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Warsaw Chamber Opera joined the #stayathome action


The Warsaw Chamber Opera will present daily at 7.00 p.m. new audio-video recordings, photos and interviews in order to provide unforgettable emotions to all opera lovers as part of the series "Armchair Opera". 

Opera without leaving home, at your fingertips, at any time and in any company. Music lovers will be able to watch audio-video recordings, photos from performances, exhibitions, opera trivia and the history of the Warsaw Chamber Opera.

Recordings of the most beautiful opera arias from the last Great Galas of various editions of the Mozart Festival will be made available next to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Requiem in Holy Week. We will also watch fragments of the latest Warsaw Chamber Opera productions, including Krzesimir Dębski's musical Interrupted Silence and Jerzy Snakowski's Snack Opera. The biggest stars, the largest productions, the greatest works ... all this at the Warsaw Chamber Opera FanPage https://www.facebook.com/Warszawska.Opera.Kameralna!

More information at: https://repertuar.operakameralna.pl/operazfotela/