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Adam Mrygoń has passed away...


Adam Mrygon, musicologist, conductor, librarian, a long-time employee of the University Library in Warsaw, died on 10 April 2020, at the age of 84. From 1966 he was an ordinary member of the Polish Composers' Union.

He studied musicology at the University of Poznań and the University of Warsaw as well as conducting at the State High School of Music in Warsaw. In 1968-1969 he studied in Vienna as a scholarship holder of the Bundesministerium für Unterricht in Österreich. In 1983 defended his doctoral thesis on Stanisław Wiechowicz.

He was a choir assistant at the State High School of Music in Warsaw and a choir conductor and music consultant of the "Lutnia" Singing Society in Warsaw. He lectured at the Institute of Church Musicology of the Catholic University of Lublin and at the Department of Church Musicology of the Academy of Catholic Theology. In the years 1956-2000 he worked in the Department of Music Collections of the University of Warsaw Library as a librarian (1956-1962), senior librarian (1962-1968), custodian (1968-1984), senior custodian (1984-1987), qualified custodian (1988- 1991), and senior certified curator (1992-2000). In 1971-2000 he was the head of the Music Collections Department. He was a member of the Polish Librarians' Association, and also a member of its board in 1970-1976.

For his research achievements, he was honored twice with the Individual Rector's Award of the University of Warsaw, 1st degree (1982, 1983). He was also awarded the "Ecclesiae populoque servitium praestanti" (1997) for his achievements in choral religious music performance.

Adam Mrygoń was a model of professional integrity, a man of great honesty and goodness. He will forever remain in the grateful memory of the University of Warsaw Library employees and readers who met him during forty-four years of his work in this Library.