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Katowice | 16th National Promotion Festival ‘August of Talents’

POLMICPatronat medialny nad Festiwalem sprawuje Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Traditionally, at the end of summer, between the 21st and  the 31st of August, 2022, we invite music lovers to the events of the 16th National Promotion Festival ‘August of Talents’. In line with tradition established last year, we will first meet in Kościuszko Park, to conclude the ‘Promenade after Music’ series with a vocal concert and at the same time to inaugurate the Festival. The next concerts will take place in the Radio Katowice Concert Studio and in the concert hall of the City of Gardens. 

The „Vocal Promenade” will feature participants of the Opera Academy at the Grand Theater – National Opera in Warsaw: Katarzyna Szymkowiak – mezzo-soprano, Sebastian Mach – tenor and Paweł Horodyski – bass, with piano accompaniment by Michał Skowronek and Natalia Pawlaszek. This time we will be given a slightly deeper dive into the emotions of characters from opera literature, as the program will cover works by just three composers: Mozart, Rossini and Moniuszko.

The following concerts will feature two duos: on August 22 the guitar-harp ACh Duo (Aleksander Pankowski vel Jankowski, Noemi Hańczyk) will perform, and on August 25 the Polish Violin Duo (Marta Gidaszewska, Robert Łaguniak). The repertoire of both ensembles draws attention to a significant percentage of contemporary Polish music – we will hear works by Marek Pasieczny, Aleksander Tansman, Grażyna Bacewicz and Michał Spisak.

The last two events of the Festival will belong to the participants of the 16th Henryk Wieniawski International Violin Competition, which will be held on October 7–21, 2022. On August 30, Sulamita Ślubowska, Wojciech Niedziółka and Robert Łaguniak will perform (with Maciej Słapiński and Michał Francuz at the piano), while on August 31 the competition program will be played by Klara Gronet, Judyta Kluza-Sporniak and Adam Suska (with Grzegorz Skrobiński and again Michał Francuz at the piano). It promises to be a passionate duel for interpretations of the iron items of the competition repertoire.

Aneta Iwan

Detailed programme: https://www.miasto-ogrodow.eu/news/view/id/861