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Warsaw | 'Elektro': Electrobots

Elektroboty 6.6.23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

During the second meeting of the ‘Elektro’ series at the Contemporary Music Space Hashtag Lab on the 6th of June, 2023 at 7 p.m., Michał Górczyński - a clarinetist, composer and performer, will present his musical robots and play a concert with them.

The ‘Warsaw Robot-Duets’ project is, on the one hand, a presentation of the capabilities of machines, and on the other, an attempt to transpose into robots the basic movement that causes sound.

The concert of Michał Górczyński and the robots will be preceded by a conversation with the artist who will reveal the secrets of the devices and software he uses. The project will be led by the curator of the cycle, Prof. Wojciech Błażejczyk.

Tickets - on the website: https://hashtaglab.pl/event/wydarzenie-bez-opisu/