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Tłokowo | III Klangor – Chamber music concerts in Jeziorany Festival

Klangor 23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

On August 25-27, 2023, the Municipal Cultural Center in Jeziorany invites you to the 3rd festival ‘Klangor - Jeziorańskie Koncerty Kameralne’. The third edition is a meeting with three genres of vocal art: from folk, traditional singing, through classical, to stage vocals in the space of the church of St. Roch in Tłokowo / Kramarzewo.

It will inaugurate the ‘Folk Requiem’ Festival - a meeting between the singer Adam Strug and the Kwadrofonik ensemble. On the 26th of August, the duo Dwóch Głos, co-created by the cellist and composer Michał Pepol together with the pianist Bartek Wąsik, will introduce Szymanowski's music to the youngest audience in an accessible way: a selection of Kurpie Songs, Swan and excerpts from the ballet Harnasie in arrangements by the duo will be presented. On the same day, in the evening, we will hear another duo: pianist Karina Komendera and vocalist Maciej Pawlak will introduce the audience to the lesser-known, ambitious face of the musical.

Detailed information: www.mokjeziorany.pl/aktualnosci/klangor2023 

Tickets available at https://ekobilet.pl/miejski-osrodek-kultury-w-jezioranach-8252