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Spektakularny debiut polskich wokalistów w Królewskim Concertgebouw w Amsterdamie

polmicPolscy młodzi śpiewacy wystąpili w lipcu w jednej z najsłynniejszych sal koncertowych świata w Amsterdamie w ramach koncertu laureatów XXXV Międzynarodowego Konkursu Muzycznego Grand Prize Virtuoso 2022.

Międzynarodowy Konkurs Muzyczny Grand Prize Virtuoso organizowany jest cyklicznie od siedmiu lat w Paryżu, Rzymie, Londynie, Amsterdamie, Bonn, Salzburgu, Wiedniu i Brukseli. Nierzadko cała edycja konkursu poświęcona jest ważnemu jubileuszowi znanego kompozytora. W tegorocznej edycji w Amsterdamie wzięli udział podopieczni profesor Akademii Sztuki w Szczecinie dr hab. Sylwii Burnickiej-Kalischewskiej – dwudziestoletnia studentka III roku studiów licencjackich na Wydziale Wokalnym Akademii Sztuki Weronika Włodarczyk (mezzosopran) oraz szesnastoletni kontratenor Alexander Kalischewski. W swoich grupach wiekowych wyśpiewali sobie nie tylko pierwsze miejsca i zdobyli złote medale, ale otrzymali również zaproszenie do udziału w koncercie laureatów jednej z najbardziej renomowanych sal koncertowych świata – Concertgebouw w Amsterdamie.

Read more: Spektakularny debiut polskich wokalistów w Królewskim Concertgebouw w Amsterdamie

Jerzy Stankiewicz decorated with Gold Medal for services to the City of Toul

POLMICFrom the 29th of April to the 2nd of May 2022, the French-Polish Olivier Messiaen Festival was held in Toul, Lorraine, on the 30th anniversary of the composer's death. The initiator and organizer of this event is the musicologist Jerzy Stankiewicz. By preparing the event in Toul, in the place of the composer's imprisonment in the first prisoner of war camp (before transport to Görlitz), Stankiewicz wished to highlight its history, only fragmentarily mentioned in the composer's biography. During this undertaking, the mayor of the city, Alde Harman, decorated Jerzy Stankiewicz with the Gold Medal for services to the City of Toul. Moreover, Jerzy Stankiewicz was invited to the Honorary Committee of the Bach Organ Festival, which has been existing in Toul for over twenty years.


Report on the project and its realization 'Colloque O. Messiaen, Toul 1940'.

Read more: Jerzy Stankiewicz decorated with Gold Medal for services to the City of Toul

Winners of the 2nd National Competition of Duets with Piano in Gdańsk

On the 13th of April 2022, during the Concert of Laureates of the 2nd National Competition of Duets with Piano the results and awards were announced. The Winners' concert is available on the organizer's YouTube channel.

In group I: the 1st prize (in the amount of PLN 4,000) went to the duo Hanna Pozorska and Kacper Kukliński, 2nd prize - not awarded, 3rd prize (in the amount of PLN 1,000) went to the duo Julian Weilandt and Jakub Drabiński. The award (PLN 500), funded by the Lotos Foundation, was awarded to the duo Alicja Rydel and Alicja Leczkowska.

In group II: 1st prize (in the amount of PLN 10,000) went to the duo Jan Lewandowski and Piotr Pawlak, 2nd prize (in the amount of PLN 6,000) funded by the Mayor of Gdynia was awarded to the duo Piotr Thieu-Quang and Paweł Popko.

 3rd prize (in the amount of PLN 3,000) funded by the Mayor of Gdynia was awarded to the duo Justyna Bujak and Jan-Kanty Mikosz. The 1st degree distinction in the amount of PLN 2,000, funded by the Lotos Foundation, was awarded to the duo Sylwia Ziółkowska and Jacek Bies. Second degree awards in the amount of PLN 1,000 were awarded to duets: Alicja Olekszak and Tomasz Białynicki-Birula, Emilia Maria Jarocka and Julia Łozowska, Oliwia Filipczak and Michalina Zasada, Jakub Wydrzyński and Szymon Orliński.

A special prize of PLN 2,000 funded by the Lotos Foundation for the best performance of an obligatory piece from the Baroque or Classicism era was also awarded to the duo Piotr Thieu-Quang and Paweł Popko. The remaining awards and distinctions were funded by the Rector, Prof. Ryszard Minkiewicz.

Congratulations to all Laureates!

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Detailed information: https://amuz.gda.pl/wydarzenia/ii-ogolnopolski-konkurs-duetow-z-fortepianem,674 

Winners of the 2nd National Competition of Duets with Piano in Gdańsk

On the 13th of April 2022, during the Concert of Laureates of the 2nd National Competition of Duets with Piano the results and awards were announced. The Winners' concert is available on the organizer's YouTube channel.

In group I: the 1st prize (in the amount of PLN 4,000) went to the duo Hanna Pozorska and Kacper Kukliński, 2nd prize - not awarded, 3rd prize (in the amount of PLN 1,000) went to the duo Julian Weilandt and Jakub Drabiński. The award (PLN 500), funded by the Lotos Foundation, was awarded to the duo Alicja Rydel and Alicja Leczkowska.

In group II: 1st prize (in the amount of PLN 10,000) went to the duo Jan Lewandowski and Piotr Pawlak, 2nd prize (in the amount of PLN 6,000) funded by the Mayor of Gdynia was awarded to the duo Piotr Thieu-Quang and Paweł Popko.

 3rd prize (in the amount of PLN 3,000) funded by the Mayor of Gdynia was awarded to the duo Justyna Bujak and Jan-Kanty Mikosz. The 1st degree distinction in the amount of PLN 2,000, funded by the Lotos Foundation, was awarded to the duo Sylwia Ziółkowska and Jacek Bies. Second degree awards in the amount of PLN 1,000 were awarded to duets: Alicja Olekszak and Tomasz Białynicki-Birula, Emilia Maria Jarocka and Julia Łozowska, Oliwia Filipczak and Michalina Zasada, Jakub Wydrzyński and Szymon Orliński.

A special prize of PLN 2,000 funded by the Lotos Foundation for the best performance of an obligatory piece from the Baroque or Classicism era was also awarded to the duo Piotr Thieu-Quang and Paweł Popko. The remaining awards and distinctions were funded by the Rector, Prof. Ryszard Minkiewicz.

Congratulations to all Laureates!

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Detailed information: https://amuz.gda.pl/wydarzenia/ii-ogolnopolski-konkurs-duetow-z-fortepianem,674 

Albéniz Trio the best ensemble at the Kiejstut Bacewicz Competition in Łódź!

After six days of auditions at the 21st Kiejstut Bacewicz International Chamber Music Competition in Łódź the jury announced the results. The award ceremony and the Laureates' Concert took place on the 10th of April 10 2022 in the Concert Hall of the Academy of Music in Łódź. The Albéniz Trio is the winner of the Competition. The Winners' concert and all Competition auditions are available on the organizer's YouTube channel.

In the first stage the jury members: Łukasz Błaszczyk, Massimiliano Caldi (Włochy/Polska), Michał Drewnowski, Alexander Hintchev (Bułgaria), Agata Igras, Yair Kless (Izrael/Austria), Włodzimierz Zalewski and Sylwia Michalik listened to participants divided into two categories: instrumental and vocal duets, and in the second category trios, quartets and quintets. In the second stage the teams were classified together. The Competition was open to ensembles whose average age at the beginning of the event did not exceed 30 years.

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Italian Cultural Institute in Warsaw, and the STOART Association of Performers.

Competition results:

1st Prize - Albéniz Trio

2nd Prize - Gidaszewska/Łaguniak/Koziak Trio

3rd Prize ex aequo - Upbeat Piano Trio

3rd Prize ex aequo - Capaltome Duo

Distinction - Romarie Piano Duo

Special Prize for the best performance of a work of the Polish composer - Popko / Thieu–Quang

Special Prize for the best performance of a work of the Polish composer - Romarie Piano Duo

Special Prize funded by the Arthur Rubinstein Philharmonic in Lodz - Albéniz Trio

Special Prize for the best ensemble from Poland funded by the Ars Iuventutis Association - Gidaszewska/Łaguniak/Koziak Trio

Special Prize funded by the Radom Chamber Orchestra - Romarie Piano Duo

Congratulations to all participants and especially to prize winners!

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC


Read more: Albéniz Trio the best ensemble at the Kiejstut Bacewicz Competition in Łódź!