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Paryż | En hommage Jan Adam Maklakiewicz

Maklakiewicz2 października 2019 roku w Bibliotece Polskiej w Paryżu o godz. 19.00 odbędzie się wyjątkowy koncert muzyki polskiej, upamiętniający 120-stą rocznicę urodzin polskiego kompozytora Jana Adama Maklakiewicza.

Podczas koncertu zabrzmią pieśni na sopran i fortepian Jana Adama oraz jego brata Franciszka Maklakiewicza, a także utwory na wiolonczelę i fortepian oraz skrzypce i fortepian m.in.: Reflexions op. 14, Suita huculska op. 15 nr 1, tryptyk Wiosna na wsi op. 18 oraz Ave Maria.

Głównym założeniem przedsięwzięcia jest przywrócenie pamięci o Janie Adamie Maklakiewiczu (1899–1954) – wybitnym polskim muzyku, kompozytorze, pedagogu, zasłużonym publicyście oraz organizatorze życia muzycznego. Kompozycje Jana Adama Maklakiewicza wykazują inspiracje muzyką dawną i narodową oraz polskim folklorem, zwłaszcza regionów Podhala i Śląska.

Podczas koncertu wystąpią absolwenci i pedagodzy uczelni muzycznych w Poznaniu i we Wrocławiu: wiolonczelista Krzysztof Karpeta, skrzypek Piotr Kosarga, pianistka Hanna Lizinkiewicz oraz sopranistka Barbara Tritt. Muzycy są wielokrotnymi laureatami ogólnopolskich oraz międzynarodowych konkursów muzycznych oraz stypendialnych. Prowadzą ożywioną działalność koncertową – zarówno solową, jak i kameralną, występując w ramach czołowych europejskich festiwali muzycznych.

Koncert jest realizowany w ramach stypendium Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego.

Patronat medialny nad koncertem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Paris | En hommage Jan Adam Maklakiewicz


A unique concert of Polish music commemorating the 120th birth anniversary of Jan Adam Maklakiewicz will take place on 2 October 2019 ay 7 p.m. at the Polish Library in Paris.

The programme will feature songs for soprano and piano by Jan Adam and his brother Franciszek Maklakiewicz, as well as works for cello and piano and violin and piano, among others: Reflexions, Op. 14, Hutsul Suite, Op. 15 No. 1, Spring in the Country. Triptich, Op. 18, and Ave Maria.

The concert aims to restore the memory of Jan Adam Maklakiewicz (1899–1954) – outstanding Polish musician, composer, teacher, distinguished publicist and organizer of musical life. Jan Adam Maklakiewicz's compositions show inspiration from early and national music as well as Polish folklore, especially of the regions of Podhale and Silesia.

Among the performers, there will be graduates and teachers of music schools in Poznań and Wrocław: cellist Krzysztof Karpeta, violinist Piotr Kosarga, pianist Hanna Lizinkiewicz and soprano Barbara Tritt. The musicians are multiple winners of Polish and international music competitions and scholarships. They perform at leading European music festivals, both solo and in chamber ensembles.

The concert is held as part of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage scholarship.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

TUTTI.pl 2019 - jesienna odsłona

TUTTIOd 9 września 2019 roku Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne przyjmuje wnioski do jesiennej odsłony trzeciej edycji TUTTI.pl – przedsięwzięcia wspierającego wykonawstwo muzyki polskiej, realizowanego przy wsparciu Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego. Inicjatywa kierowana jest do orkiestr i zespołów muzycznych, szkół i akademii oraz instytucji, fundacji i stowarzyszeń zajmujących się organizowaniem koncertów, festiwali i nagrań.

Od pierwszej edycji projektu w roku 2017 do tej pory odbyło się w ramach TUTTI.pl blisko 1000 realizacji: koncertów, spektakli, nagrań i rejestracji, a sam projekt zatacza coraz szersze kręgi – koncerty z muzyką polską sygnowane znakiem TUTTI.pl odbywają się nie tylko w Polsce, ale także zagranicą.

PWM czeka na opisy realizacji zaplanowanych od 1 marca do 31 sierpnia 2020 roku. Wnioski należy składać do 7 października 2019 (decyduje data wpłynięcia do oddziału PWM w Warszawie, ul. Fredry 8). Wyniki naboru zostaną opublikowane na stronach PWM z końcem października. Najwyżej ocenione propozycje otrzymają dofinansowanie na materiały wykonawcze w wysokości 70% kosztów wypożyczenia. W sumie na dofinansowanie wypożyczeń materiałów z katalogu PWM w tej odsłonie projektu przeznaczonych zostanie 150 tys. złotych.

Regulamin TUTTI.pl, poszerzony o nowości wydawnicze katalog utworów wraz z ich wyceną, aktualne formularze oraz pozostałe informacje dotyczące projektu TUTTI.pl zamieszczone są na stronie www.tutti.pwm.com.pl. Pytania i uwagi należy zgłaszać na adres This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Zakopane | Premiere of the album "Polish Landscape"

Pejzaż polski

Premiere of the new album Polish Landscape by Les Femmes ensemble will take place on 8 September 2019 at 7 p.m. at the St. I. Witkiewicz Theatre in Zakopane as part of the 'Music on the Heights' Festival.

The album is an anthology of Polish vocal lyrics of the last 150 years. The rich selection of songs by Polish composers from the Romantic era to the present day is the basis of the ensemble's original performance, staged under the title Polish Landscape. Individual songs create a script of an artistic spectacle about the experiences and emotions that have accompanied women over the last two centuries. Part of the selected repertoire was recorded for the first time (Stanisław Niewiadomski's Cupid and Heart, Bohdan Riemer's Sunset, Stefan Kisielewski's Request for happy islands, Romuald Twardowski's Vocalization).

Coming from the Tri-City, Les Femmes is known for their innovative approach to classical music. By realizing their own artistic needs, the artists created a new stage form – opera collage. As a chamber ensemble, they successfully recreate ambitious repertoire, enhancing the musical effect with acting, set design and beautiful costumes. Works connected by a coherent plot are shown in a new context and create a captivating musical collage with a consistent stage action. In addition, the ensemble uses the latest technical improvements: visual and sound effects as well as multimedia graphics.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: http://www.muzykanaszczytach.com/pl/ 

Warsaw | Premiere of the spectacle "A Hundred Follies or The Candle Went Out"


Premiere of the spectacle A Hundred Follies or A Candle Went Out, based on a play by Aleksander Fredo and Stanisław Moniuszko's music, will take place on 7 September 2019 at 7 p.m. at the Wawer Cultural Centre (1A Żegańska St., Warsaw). 

The spectacle was directed by Szczepan Szczykno on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Stanisław Moniuszko. It consists of the one-act play The Candle Went Out by Aleksander Fredro and songs from the operetta The New Don Quixote or A Hundred Follies with music coposed by the young Moniuszko. The outcome is a hilarious and intelligent musical comedy. Songs performed by soprano Anna Maria Adamiak and pianist Andrzej Frołów, excellent acting and a lot of hilarious mistakes guarantee that viewers will not be able to refrain from laughing.

Due to a postal stagecoach crash, two travelers have to spend the night in a forest hut in a remote area. At first they are not interested in each other. The aim of the spectacle is to contrast two completely different stages of their relationship. Initially, when they cannot see their faces, they have definitely unfavorable ideas about themselves and treat themselves very brusquely. The situation changes radically when they notice that they are attracted to each other. What will happen between Jadwiga and Władysław, since – as the author himself claims – the candle went out? A story full of optimism and faith reflected in the beautiful and little-known music of Stanisław Moniuszko.

Before the premiere, at 6 p.m., there will be a meeting with the descendants of Stanisław Moniuszko.

Free admission is possible after prior booking: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The number of seats is limited.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information atwww.stanislawmoniuszko.com 

Warsaw | Sinfonia Varsovia at Grochowska Street – City Sketches


At the end of the summer, Sinfonia Varsovia Orchestra prepared a concert inspired by American cities. The event entitled "City Sketches" will take place on 6 September 2019 at 7:30 p.m. in the concert hall  at 272 Grochowska Street. The programme includes music by Leonard Bernstein and Aaron Copland as well as Henryk Mikołaj Górecki and Henryk Wars. The orchestra will be led by Maestro Mariusz Smolij and the soloist of the concert will be a talented and charismatic pianist Piotr Orzechowski "Pianohooligan". 

Sinfonia Varsovia under the baton of Mariusz Smolij will begin the concert with Three dances episodes by Leonard Bernstein from the musical On The Town and Quiet City by Aaron Copland. After the works about American cities, the audience will listen to the Concerto for harpsichord (or piano) and string orchestra by Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. The work based on a constantly repeated melodic and rhythmic structure keeps listeners and musicians in suspense, allowing harmony to influence its character. Piotr Orzechowski "Pianohooligan" will perform the solo part on the Rhodes piano – an electric instrument with a characteristic timbre.

Next, the orchestra will present City Sketches by Henry Wars. The cycle consists of three parts: High-Rise, Downtown Blues and Freeway Scherzo. The composer wrote them during his stay in America, hence the references to the blues genre originating in the United States. What does America sound like to a Polish composer? The answer will come with this work. Finally, we will listen to Henryk Wars's Piano Concerto. This unusual one-part concerto with lyrical themes and orchestration evokes associations with film music. After all, Henryk Wars worked primarily for the cinema. The composer conquered Hollywood with his music, and his songs were sung by the greatest stars: Bing Crosby, Brenda Lee and Doris Day.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information available atwww.sinfoniavarsovia.org 

Gdańsk | Young Virtuosi of Chamber Music

Mlodzi wirtuozi

Young artists will perform at the Fryderyk Chopin Baltic Philharmonic on 6 September 2019 ay 7 p.m. Talented students and graduates of the Stanisław Moniuszko Gdańsk Academy of Music who make up a dynamically developing BalticAlians Chamber Orchestra will perform together with members of the Zehetmair Quartet.

BalticAlians is a chamber orchestra founded in November last year. Despite the short period of activity, the orchestra has completed many projects, including a concert under the baton of the artistic director of the Polish Baltic Philhamonic – Maestro George Tchitchinadze. In September, the musicians of the orchestra will perform along with the members of the Zehetmair Quartet: Jakub Jakowicz – violin virtuoso, lecturer at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw, and Christian Elliott – soloist, concertmaster of the cello group at the Irish Chamber Orchestra in Scotland and member of the Phoenix Piano Trio.

The programme of the concert will include Serenade, Op. 22 by Antonín Dvořák, Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op. 110a by Dmitri Shostakovich, Concerto for Violin and Cello, RV 547 by Antonio Vivaldi and To the Cuddled One into the Violin by Marek Czerniewicz. The latter work was written by the esteemed Gdańsk composer, lecturer at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, for the 60th anniversary of pedagogical activity of Prof. Jerzy Hazuka. The composition will be performed by Jakub Jakowicz together with the three founders of BalticAlians: Rafał Marek Wiśniewski, Jan Staruch and Janina Olszewska.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://filharmonia.gda.pl/pl/ 

Łagów Lubuski | 48th Polish Composers' Union Musicological Conference "Borders of Freedom"


The 48th Musicological Conference of the Polish Composers' Union "Borders of Freedom" will take place on 5-7 September 2019 in Łagów Lubuski ("Leśnik" Recreation Centre, 10 Bolesława Chrobrego St.).

The infamous congress of composers and music critics in Łagów Lubuski, during which representatives of the power apparatus imposed the socialist realism doctrine on Polish artists, took place in 1949. It was not the first meeting of the communist authorities with the artists' circles: earlier there were conventions of writers (in Szczecin), artists (in Nieborów), theater people (in Obory) and architects (in Warsaw). The Łagów events received wide coverage among Polish composers and musicologists. The reactions varied, ranging from moral dilemmas related to attempts to adapt to the new situation to dramatic decisions about emigration.

After 70 years, it is worth returning to Łagów – the place where you can still hear the faint echoes of the events of 1949, to think about matters related to the relationship between music and power, music and freedom, abstract form and mimetic content of the art of sounds. In this historic place, scholars will discuss problems regarding the borders of freedom in music. The presentations will concern both detailed issues related to the consequences of socialist realist pressure or the Cold War division of Europe, as well as much wider dimensions of the relationship between artistic freedom and its conditions in the context of the entire history of music.

The organizers of the event are: Musicologists' Section of the Polish Composers' Union; Branch Office of Historical Research, Institute of National Remembrance in Poznań; Institute of Music of the University of Zielona Góra. The conferene's partner is ZAiKS Association of Authors.

DOWNLOAD: Conference Programme

SEE: Facebook Event

Nowa Ruda | "Tell me a story" – free improvisation workshops for children

Opowiedz mi bajkę

On 27 and 28 September 2019, the Municipal Cultural Center in Nowa Ruda (2A Strzelecka St.) will host improvisation workshops for children entitled "Tell me a story". The events are organized by the Polish Society for Contemporary Music.

The workshops are a continuation of a project commenced in 2015. During this year's edition, the classes will take place in two series: in Nowa Ruda, Lower Silesia (27-28 September 2019) and in Skoki, Krajenka and Wągrowiec, Greater Poland (24-26 October 2019). They are intended for groups of 25 children at the age of 3-5 years and for children aged 6-8 years. In total, there will be 12 workshops for preschool and school groups as well as workshops open for children and their guardians.

The main idea of ​​the project is to trigger graphic-inspired improvisations. Children will create their own stories based on picture books. Improvisation is the most basic, primary and joyful form of music performance, which is why the workshops combine children's creativity and imagination with books and contemporary music. The musical guest of the workshops will be the Trillingen Duo group, composed of: multi-instrumentalist Iwona Jędruch and double bassist Małgorzata Kołcz – workshop coordinator. Adventure through improvisations together with artists will be led by composer and pianist Jarosław Siwiński.

The organizers invite children aged 3-5 and 6-8 to the upcoming classes. The youngest group will learn, play and improvise from 10:00  to 11:30 a.m.; children aged 6-8 years – from 12:00 to 13:30 p.m.

Participation in the workshops is free, but due to the limited number of places, prior registration is required. Registrations for 27 September: 74 872 44 85 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; Registration for 28 September: 790 395 228 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

SEE: Facebook Event