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Warsaw | 19th Music Gardens Festival

Ogrody muzyczne

The 19th Music Gardens Festival will be held on 30 June – 28 July 2019 in the Grand Courtyard of the Royal Castle in Warsaw, under a huge, air-conditioned tent, which can accommodate 1000 spectators.

The Music Gardens Festival has been taking place in Warsaw since 2001. Every year, the Festival programme is comprised of rebroadcasts of the best opera and ballet productions (from, among other houses, the Metropolitan Opera and the Bolshoi Theatre, as well as the Aix-en-Provence, Salzburg and Bregenz Festivals), live concerts – both symphonic and chamber music – as well as music films and film recordings of concerts. Also a special educational and artistic programme for children is organized as part of the festival: the Children’s Music Gardens.

The programme of the 19th Gardens will include 21 film screenings and 5 live concerts. The festival prologue will feature film music of Krzysztof Komeda, Henryk Kuźniak and Jerzy Matuszkiewicz. During the inauguration concert, Janusz Wawrowski, who plays the Stradivarius violin from 1685, together with the Warsaw Players' string orchestra will present, among others, works by Mieczysław Karłowicz and Mieczysław Weinberg. Songs from Moniuszko's Songbook for Home Use will be presented on 15 July in the original interpretation by Agata Zubel, Andrzej Bauer and Cezary Duchnowski.

Since 2008, another inspiration for successive editions of the Festival has been the culture and art of the countries taking over the leadership of the European Council on the day the festival begins, i.e. in the second half of each year. This year, no less than three countries will serve as the Guests of Honor: Finland, which begins its presidency at the European Council on 1 July 2019; Romania, which will lead the Council in the first half of 2019; and, for the second time, Austria. On 8 July, an evening devoted to Leonardo da Vinci will include a concert of Sławomir Zubrzycki on viola organista, an instrument invented by Leonardo da Vinci.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme available at: https://www.ogrodymuzyczne.pl/ 

Trójmiasto | III Festiwal Baltic Souvenir

Baltic Souvenir29 czerwca 2019 roku rozpocznie się III edycja Festiwalu Baltic Souvenir, która potrwa do 6 lipca. Słońce, szum fal i ciepły piasek pod stopami to cudowne wspomnienia znad morza, które powinno mieć każde dziecko. A gdyby tak dorzucić do nich bajkową muzykę, której najmłodsi wraz z rodzicami będą mogli wysłuchać zupełnie za darmo na trzech plenerowych wydarzeniach w Trójmieście?

Zainauguruje Festiwal koncert w Muszli Koncertowej przy Placu Grunwaldzkim w Gdyni. Tam dzieci i ich rodzice będą mogli zobaczyć i posłuchać widowiska Witajcie w naszej bajce, w którego programie znajdą się najsłynniejsze melodie i piosenki z bajek z całego świata, w tym Krainy Lodu, Reksia, Koziołka Matołka, Gumisiów, Zaplątanych, Króla Lwa i wielu, wielu więcej! Hity te wyśpiewają Izabela Pawletko i Bogdan Smagacki.

Następnego dnia artyści przeniosą się na scenę plenerową przy Polskiej Filharmonii Bałtyckiej w Gdańsku, gdzie ugoszczą samego Ambrożego Kleksa. Tym razem ekscentryczny profesor poprowadzi wykłady w ramach Letniej Akademii Pana Kleksa. Absolwenci tej prestiżowej placówki edukacyjnej doskonale pamiętają piosenki o Kaczce Dziwaczce czy Na wyspach Bergamuta – na Ołowiance będzie okazja posłuchać ich w aranżacjach Beniamina Baczewskiego, w wykonaniu Aleksandry Lis i Bogdana Smagackiego.

Ostatniego dnia Festiwalu Baltic Souvenir, tym razem w Sopocie, wybrzmią dźwięki opery skomponowanej specjalnie dla dzieci w oparciu o słynną baśń braci Grimm Królewna Śnieżka. Autorem tego niezwykłego dzieła jest dyrygent i kompozytor Piotr Staniszewski. Dedykowana najmłodszym, przybliża im wspaniały świat muzyki klasycznej i rozbudza zainteresowanie formą opery. Baśniowe treści uzupełniają multimedia i wspaniałe kostiumy.

Natalia Walewska

Szczegółowy program – na stronie wydarzenia http://www.balticsouvenir.pl/ 

Polski kompozytor w London Philharmonic Orchestra Young Composers

LPOMaciej Bałenkowski – młody polski kompozytor rekomendowany przez Instytut Adama Mickiewicza – został przyjęty do najnowszej edycji programu London Philharmonic Orchestra Young Composers.

Każdego roku London Philharmonic Orchestra organizuje warsztaty dla młodych artystów. Trwający rok program zakłada pracę nad nowym utworem z pomocą mentora – kompozytora i dyrygenta Jamesa MacMillana. Kompozycje przeznaczone są na 30-osobową orkiestrę. Uczestnicy poza pracą nad własną twórczością mają też okazję obserwować próby orkiestry, bywać na koncertach oraz uczestniczyć w działalności edukacyjnej LPO. Zwieńczeniem rocznego programu jest publiczna prezentacja skomponowanych przez uczestników dzieł w ramach odbywającego się wczesnym latem koncertu „Debut Sounds”.

LPO, współpracująca z Instytutem Adama Mickiewicza w ramach programu „Polska Music”, co roku oferuje udział w programie warsztatowym jednemu kompozytorowi z Polski. W sezonie 2019/20 będzie to Maciej Bałenkowski (*1993), laureat i finalista ponad 20 międzynarodowych i krajowych konkursów kompozytorskich, którego promotorem jest Krzysztof Penderecki.

Natomiast polskim uczestnikiem kończącym ubiegłoroczną edycję LPO Young Composers jest Andrzej Karałow. Koncert, na którym London Philharmonic Orchestra wykona jego kompozycję, odbędzie się 1 lipca w Queen Elizabeth Hall w Southbank Centre. W sezonie 2018/2019 młodzi kompozytorzy musieli zmierzyć się z zagadnieniem cantus firmus i zinterpretować je w swoich kompozycjach. Program lipcowego koncertu zbudowany jest na zestawieniu nowopowstałych utworów z dziełami współczesnych kompozytorów z już ugruntowaną pozycją. W tym roku włączono również do programu Nie piej, kurku Henryka Mikołaja Góreckiego oraz Agnus Dei z Missa Paschalis Grzegorza Gerwazego Gorczyckiego.

Warsztaty LPO umożliwiają młodym kompozytorom rozwój artystyczny, a także ułatwiają im nawiązywanie kontaktów i otwierają nowe perspektywy zawodowe i twórcze. Doskonałym tego przykładem jest prezentacja w Londynie twórczości polskiego uczestnika edycji 2017/2018 Karola Nepelskiego. 28 lipca br. jego opera Ptasiek, oparta na utworze Williama Whartona, będzie miała premierę w Londynie, w trakcie Tête à Tête: The Opera Festival 2019.

Olena Skwiecińska

Licheń | 1st International Organ Music Festival

Festiwal Licheński

Professor Chorosiński's concert on 30 June 2019 at 2.30pm will inaugurate the 1st International Festival of Organ Music in Licheń. The concerts will take place every week on Sundays at 2.30pm.

This summer the Basilica of Our Lady of Licheń will host outstanding European organists: Bernhard Gfrerer (Salzburg), Jan Van Mol (Antwerp), Jean-Christophe Geiser (Lausanne), Marek Stefański (Krakow), Christophe Mantoux (Paris), Władysław Szymański (Katowice). The performers will present the most beautiful organ music pieces by Fryderyk Chopin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Charles Gounod, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Richard Wagner, Theodore Dubois, Feliks Nowowiejski and Cesar Franck. The organ of the Licheń basilica designed by prof. Chorosiński is currently the largest instrument in Poland and the fourth largest in Europe.

Full programme available at: http://www.lichen.pl/pl/24/n_2134/pierwszy_miedzynarodowy_lichenski_festiwal_muzyki_organowej

Lublin | Celebration of the 450th anniversary of the Polish-Lithuanian Union

Unia Lubelska

Celebration of the 450th anniversary of the Union of Lublin will take place on 30 June 2019 in Lublin with the participation of the Marshals of the Sejm and the Senate, the Chairman of the Sejm and foreign guests. The anniversary concert in the Center for the Meeting of Cultures will feature a new work by Mikołaj Górecki – Missa for baritone solo, mixed choir and orchestra.

"Missa is based on Latin text. The five-part cycle is divided into three major movements: Kyrie and Gloria performed attacca, Credo, Sanctus and Agnus Dei, between which resounds the silence of the mystery of Transubstantiation." – said the composer.

To highlight the rank and scope of the event from 450 years ago, the concert will be performed by combined ensembles from Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia and Belarus: Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Choir of the Lublin Philharmonic, Choir of the Lviv Philharmonic "Gloria", Choir "Capella Sonorus" from Minsk, Mixed Choir of the Cathedral School in Riga and the Choir of the Academy of Music and Theater in Vilnius. The solo part will be performed by Vytautas Juozapaitis. The whole event will be led by Wojciech Rodek.

The rebroadcast of the concert is scheduled on the same day, 30 June at 11pm on TVP1.

The celebration programme is available at:https://www.spotkaniakultur.com/pl/node/1582

Warsaw | Musical Summer with Sinfonia Varsovia


In the last days of June 2019 at 4pm, the Sinfonia Varsovia orchestra invites you to the concerts as part of the "Summer Concerts at Grochowska Street" series. Wwe will listen to the music of the Land of Cherry Blossom and works from the repertoire of the Sounds of Air trio.

The cycle of afternoon chamber music concerts returns to the home of Sinfonia Varsovia. Just like last year, each Saturday and Sunday at 4:00 p.m. features performances by well-known artists and rising stars on the classical music scene. There will be 30 concerts arranged by common themes: Not just for Orchestra, Japan, Moniuszko, Relax, Travelling, Improvisation, Old Warsaw. The music will be performed by traditional ensembles and some rare configurations, including a reed trio with saxophone and bass clarinet, a cello octet and a flute quartet. The works performed will feature music of many periods and genres – from the Baroque to opera arias, jazz and contemporary and improvised music.

The concert "Japan" on 29 June will feature Japanese musicians who will present not only works by Japanese composers, but also compositions by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Johann Pachelbel, Goerges Bizet, Hermann Necke, Vittoria Montign, Francesco Sartori, Henryk Wieniawski and Fryderyk Chopin. The following day the Sounds of Air trio composed of: Alicja Wołyńczyk (saxophone), Jarosław Gałuszka (accordion) and Agnieszka Kopacka (piano) will present works by Stanisław Moniuszko, Julia Schreitl, Graham Fitkin as well as Arcustico by Anna Maria Huszcza, inspired by the music of Moniuszko's Halka.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information atwww.sinfoniavarsovia.org 

7th International Copernicus Choir Festival and Competition „Per Musicam ad Astra”

Per musicam

7th International Copernicus Choir Festival and Competition "Per Musicam ad Astra" will be held on 29 June – 3 July 2019 in Toruń and Chełmża. The event is organized by the "Astrolabium" Choral Music Enthusiasts Society in Toruń and co-organized by the German agency Meeting Music and the Tumska 14 Association in Chełmża.

This year's edition will feature ensembles from the Philippines, Indonesia, Lithuania, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, South Africa, Taiwan and the USA. The programme of the 7th edition of "Per Musicam ad Astra" will include competition auditions and festival concerts with the participation of the contending choirs top out with a competition for the Nicolaus Copernicus Grand Prix in the amount of 5,000 EUR. Two of the the festival events, the aim of which is to present the broad spectrum of choral music, support the work of young composers and promote Polish culture, deserve special attention.

On 1 July in the Main Hall of the Artus Court, the proMODERN ensemble will present the proMODERN shakespired programme featuring music of Polish composers inspired by the works of Shakespeare. The concert is organized in cooperation with the Marshal's Office of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship as part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the Local Government. A special concert entitled Swinging chimes – the spinner in distress will feature jazz arrangements of nineteenth-century music, including Stanisław Moniuszko's compositions, made by Jarek Kostka.

For all concerts and auditions the entrance is free. Only for the inauguration concert and 2 special concerts there will be free tickets available to collect at the box office of the Artus Court on weekdays between 12-18pm and, subject to availability, before the concert.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://www.facebook.com/PerMusicamAdAstra/ and http://pmaa.pl 

21st Gdańsk Carillon Festival

Carillony Gdańsk

21 concerts will take place between 29 June to 31 August 2019 as part of the 21st Gdańsk Carillon Festival. The programme includes 10 concerts in the St. Catherine Church, 10 concerts in the Main Town Hall and a special concert on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Gdansk Water and Wastewater Infrastructure, featuring milonga workshops.

Every weekend, Gdańsk residents and tourists will have an opportunity to take part in these free summer concerts that are unique in the scale of  Poland: Gdańsk, as the only city in the country, has active carillons. Two of them are in the towers of the St. Catherine Church (50 bells) and the Main Town Hall (37 bells), and the third one called "Gdańsk" is a mobile carillon and consists of 48 bells.

The inauguration will take place at the Hevelius Square and it will feature the Epitaph by Katarzyna Kwiecień-Długosz dedicated to the late Paweł Adamowicz, the mayor of Gdańsk. "Through the Epitaph, we want to commemorate a great friend of carillon music, thanks to which the ancient tradition of our city was restored after the Second World War. The president of Gdańsk has privately funded 2 of 135 bells on which we perform" – says Monika Kaźmierczak, director of the Festival. The inauguration concert will also premiere new compositions: Liquid matter by Beniamin Baczewski and Echos of Gdansk by Jakub Nikiel. Each Friday concert will end with The Hevelius Fountatin Stories by Kamil Cieślik combined with a fountain show.

Full programme available at: https://www.facebook.com/carillony 

Gdańsk | 62nd International Organ Music Festival in the Oliva Cathedral


62nd International Festival of Organ Music in the Oliva Cathedral – one of the three oldest music festivals in Poland – will take place between 28 June and 27 August 2019.

Once again, organ music will be performed in the historic Gdańsk Oliva Cathedral. The festival concerts will feature renowned organists from Poland and abroad who will present diverse repertoire of different musical periods and styles, as well as world and Polish premieres.

The inauguration concert will be devoted to Polish music. The evening will begin with Latin Mass in E flat major for mixed choir, strings and organ by Stanisław Moniuszko, whose 200th birth anniversary is celebrated this year. After the performance of the Academic Choir of the University of Gdańsk, Hanna Dys (organ) and Mirosław Pachowicz (bassoon) accompanied by the Polish Baltic Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Jan Miłosz Zarzycki will perform works of Andrzej Panufnik and Mieczysław Surzyński.

Full programme available at: https://www.filharmonia.gda.pl/pl/