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Piotr Wijatkowski,

conductor, b. 23rd March in Lublin. He graduated from the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music where he studied conducting under the supervision of Henryk Czyż (he performed his diploma concert with the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra). He continued his education at the Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Mozarteum in Salzburg with Michael Gielen. He took part in interpretation workshops with David Epstein. In 2008, the board of Composition, Conducting an Theory of Music at Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw awarded him with a doctor degree (DMA).

His artistic activity started in 1989 when he presented his artistry in the United States, South Korea, Egypt, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Portugal, Sweden, Holland, Denmark, Ukraine and Albania. He also performed in Poland with the majority of Polish philharmonic orchestras (Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra, Poznan Philharmonic Orchestra and many others). He performed with the famous European and Polish artist like: Wanda Wiłkomirska, Idil Biret, Aldona Dvarionaite, Marina Jashvili, David Garrett, Mohamed Saleh, Krzysztof Jakowicz, Jakub Jakowicz, Konstanty Andrzej Kulka, Alena Baeva, Avri Levitan, Radovan Vlatković, Ewa Pobłocka, Piotr Paleczny, Stanisław Drzewiecki, Leszek Możdżer, Jadwiga Rappé. He took part in many Polish and international festivals (Germany, Denmark).

His repertoire contains all important symphony and chamber pieces. Piotr Wijatkowski conducted the world and European premieres of numerous compositions (i.e. Philippe Chamouard's "Les Figures de I’invisible", 3rd Symphony, Bertold Hummel's Partite for Chamber Orchestra, Craig Russel's 'Concierto Romantico', Manuel Millan's 'Concierto para Guitarra y Orquesta de Cuerda', Daniel Galay's 3rd Symphony). He also recorded for radio and television: 2 Program of the Polish Radio, Radio Lublin, TVP2, TV Polonia,, Ukrainian TV, Egyptian TV (satellite broadcasting of concerts with Cairo Symphony Orchestra), Albanian TV (satellite retransmission of the concert with the Symhony Orchestra of Albanian Radio and TV in Tirana).

Since 1993 till 2011 Piotr Wijatkowski worked for the Lublin Philharmonic. He was a principal conductor (1997-2011) and artistic director (2009-2011). He performed with Wieniawski Philharmonic Orchestra in such important places like Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall (twice) or Lutosławski Concert Studio (Polish Radio in Warsaw). He led ten international tournées of the Lublin Philharmonic (European countries and South Korea). He introduced the Symphony no. 7 by Szostakowicz, Liszt’s Faust Symphony, September Symphony, Missa pro pace, Piano Concerto no. 2 by Wojciech Kilar and Holst's 'Planets' to the Lublin's audience. He cooperated with Elżbieta Penderecka in organizing performances of the soloists of Wiener Philharmoniker and Württembergische Philharmonie orchestra in Lublin during 14th and 15th Beethoven Festival.

Piotr Wijatkowski is also known as a promoter of Lublin region composers like Henryk Wieniawski, Karol Lipiński or Andrzej Nikodemowicz.

There are six albums in the artist's discography. Four CDs were released on the Polish record label DUX and two of them abroad (Orphée, France and SEM Gramophone, South Korea). All the CDs are recorded with the Wieniawski Phliharmonic Orchestra in Lublin.

Piotr Wijatkowski, as a Doctor of Musical Arts, teaches conducting at the Music Department of Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin (UMCS).

He is also a composer of theatrical music.

In 2008 he acted a conductor in the Uri Barbash film Spring 1941 (Polish-Israeli production).

February 2012


P. Tchaikovsky The Violin Concerto Op. 35 [D. Falger - violin], M. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition - DUX (1997)
F. Chopin Piano Concerto F minor Op. 21 [Soo-Jung Ann – piano], L. van Beethoven Symphony no. 2 D major Op. 36 - SEM Gramophone (1999)
Ph. Chamouard L'esprit de la nuit, Symphony no. 3, Les Figures de l'invisible [Anna Sikorzak-Olek – celtic harp] - Orphée (2000)
K. Szymanowski Symphony no. 4 Op. 60 [A.Pikul – piano], A. Tansman Suite for Two Pianos [E. Wolak-Moszyńska, A. Pikul] - DUX - world premiere recording, the album was awarded the Klassik-Heute prize (2001)
K. Lipiński Ouverture in D major, Symphony B flat major, Violin Concerto no. 2 D major Op. 21 [Dominika Falger – violin] - DUX (2003)
H. Wieniawski - Polonaise Brillante in D major Op. 4, Fantasie Brillante on Gounod's Faust Op. 20, Violin Concerto no. 2 D minor Op. 22 [Anna Maria Staśkiewicz – skrzypce] - DUX (2010)