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Renewable Music: Open Call for Composers!

Renewable call 23 Polish Composers’ Union in partnership with Berg Orchestra, Waves Bratislava and UMZE Association invite composers from the Visegrad Group countries to collaborate on the ‘Renewable Music. V4 Composers for sustainability’ project. Deadline for submissions is 15 June 2023.

The call is open to composers up to 35 years of age representing the Visegrad Group countries (citizens of Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary, living in the country and abroad).

The new works for chamber music ensemble of 7 up to 10 instruments (to be chosen from ‘Fl Ob Cl Bn / Cor Tpt Tbn / Perc/ Vn Vla Vc Cb / Elec’) will be commissioned from selected composers. Expected length of approximately 15-20 minutes, scores and parts of composition to be submitted by 31 March 2024.

The composers will be invited to take part in a series of workshops with music and ecology experts, they will visit concert sites in all partner countries and meet with local ensembles’ representatives. The new works will premiere in summer 2024.

Commission fee: 4000,00 EUR

Application Documents:

  • biography note (including name and surname, date of birth, education, artistic achievements and awards, list of compositions),
  • 2 previous scores (PDF files) and their recordings (mp3 files),
  • detailed concept of the new work and its open-air performance (including form, instrumentation, setting of musicians, composition techniques, references to ecology and renewable resources),
  • your definition of ‘renewable music’.

All listed documents (in English) must be sent through the Application Form by 15 June 2023, 11:59 p.m. CET.

More information: 

‘Renewable Music. V4 Composers for Sustainability’ project is co-funded by the European Union under the Creative Europe programme 2021-2027.



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