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II Gdański Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Sakralnej MUNDUS CANTAT im. Jana Pawła II

MundusCantat2016Od 20 do 23 października 2016 roku potrwa 2. Edycja Gdańskiego Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Sakralnego MUNDUS CANTAT. Koncerty oraz przesłuchania odbędą się w gdańskich kościołach. Organizatorzy zaplanowali również niespodziankę dla słuchaczy – Noc Chórów!

W programie Festiwalu znajdą się koncerty na wysokim poziomie wykonawczym z udziałem chórów m.in. z Mińska, Białej Podlaskiej i Wejherowa. Przesłuchania konkursowe odbędą się w Kościele pw. Matki Bożej Fatimskiej na gdańskiej Żabiance. Zespoły będą oceniane przez profesjonalne jury w składzie: prof. Anna Fiebig, dr hab. Beata Wróblewska, prof. Waldemar Górski z Akademii Muzycznej w Gdańsku oraz prof. Wiesław Delimat z Uniwersytetu Papieskiego w Krakowie, a walczyć będą o Grand Prix, nagrodę Prezydenta Miasta Gdańska oraz o statuetkę UBI Leones. 21 października chóry festiwalowe wyśpiewają NOC CHÓRÓW w kościołach gdańskiej Żabianki w hołdzie Janowi Pawłowi II, Wielkiemu Polakowi. Koncert Finałowy, na którym poznamy laureatów festiwalu, odbędzie się 22 października w Archikatedrze Oliwskiej. Obok laureatów Trójmiejskiej publiczności zaprezentuje się gość festiwalu - Chór Wydziału Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego Non Serio.

Hasłem tegorocznego festiwalu są słowa „Niech połączy nas melodia modlitwy”. Połączone chóry MUNDUS CANTAT GDAŃSK we wspaniałych wnętrzach gdańskich kościołów zaśpiewają utwór skomponowany specjalnie na tę okazję przez młodą, utalentowaną kompozytorkę z Wejherowa Annę Rocławską - Pieśń na cześć Jana Pawła II. Wydarzenie będzie wyrazem hołdu naszemu wielkiemu Polakowi Ojcu Świętemu Janowi Pawłowi II, który był strażnikiem pokoju na świecie.

Festiwal odbędzie się pod patronatem Metropolity Gdańskiego Jego Ekscelencji ks. Abp Sławoja Leszka Głódzia.

Patronat medialny nad wydarzeniem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Szczegółowe informacje - na stronie: munduscantat.pl

Read more: II Gdański Międzynarodowy Festiwal Muzyki Sakralnej MUNDUS CANTAT im. Jana Pawła II

Doctor Honoris Causa Awarded to Outstanding Artists

Z-GTP The beginning of new academic year 2016/17 was marked with ceremonies granting the title of doctor honoris causa to Teresa Żylis-Gara, Mieczysław Tomaszewski and Krzysztof Penderecki.

The title of doctor honoris causa is the highest academic degree applied by universities to honour distinguished persons who have especially contributed to the progress of a certain field or science. This year, the title was received by soprano and teacher Teresa Żylis-Gara (granted by the Grażyna and Kiejstut Bacewicz Academy of Music in Łódź), musicologist and researcher Mieczysław Tomaszewski (granted by the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław) and composer and conductor Krzysztof Penderecki (granted by the Catholic University of Lublin).

Mobile application "Wieniawski"

WieniaFor the first time in the history, the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition enables listeners to follow the event live via mobile application.

Users are given access to all competition performances and may watch them in full HD on smartphones (iOS and Android), smart TV or internet browsers. The application includes also an updated schedule of auditions and information on the jury, participants, accompanying pianists and orchestras, as well as the awards. It also helps tracing the history of the Competition, which was first organized in 1935.

Available in Polish and English, the "Wieniawski" application can be downloaded free of charge. Its technological structure was granted by the Fryderyk Chopin Institute which developed its own application last year on the occasion of the 17th Fryderyk Chopin International Piano Competition. The project to stream the Competition performances is a joint collaboration between the Polish Radio, TVP Kultura and the National Audiovisual Institute.

The Competition is co-organized by the Institute of Music and Dance.

Bolshoi Ballet in Cinemas

BolshoiThe Bolshoi Ballet returns to cinemas with 7 ballets including 4 live satellite broadcasts from Moscow and 3 recorded shows.

The Bolshoi Ballet is about to open its 241st season. One of the oldest and largest ballet companies in the world, it is renowned for its unique style characterized by true virtuosity and incredible stage presence, and it celebrates an illustrious history with legends such as Galina Ulanova, Vladimir Vasiliev, Maya Plisetskaya, and Ekaterina Maximova. The Bolshoi Ballet was the first company to stage Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and Minkus’ Don Quixote. Much of its legacy can be attributed to Yuri Grigorovitch who was the artistic director for more than 30 years and who will celebrate this season his 90th anniversary. The Yuri Grigorovitch festival is a main theme of this season hence a number of his creations will be shown in the framework of it.

Cooperation between the theatre and the company Pathé Live, which offers satellite transmissions of events, will bring live broadcasts from the Bolshoi Theatre of Moscow to approximately 300 cinemas in 22 different countries. In Poland, it will be possible to watch the ballet transmissions in 24 cities. The complete list is available at: www.new.nazywowkinach.pl

Read more: Bolshoi Ballet in Cinemas

Maria Machowska plays Violin Concerto by Szymanowski

Machowska Maria Machowska and Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra under Jacek Kaspszyk will perform Violin Concerto No. 1 Op. 35  by Karol Szymanowski and Symphony No. 1 in C minor Op. 68 by Johannes Brahms on October 14 and 15, 2016 in Warsaw.

Karol Szymanowski wrote Violin Concerto No. 1 op. 35 in Zarudzie in 1916 and dedicated the work to violinist Paweł Kochański. It belongs to the group of first modern violin concertos which abandoned the tradition of the 19th century and the major-minor system in order to embrace a new language and expressiveness, as well as previously unknown form. The composition was premiered on November 1, 1922 in the Warsaw Philiharmonic by Józef Ozimiński under the baton of Emil Młynarski. It was 2 years later that the Concerto was performed by Paweł Kochański with Leopold Stokovsky in New York and later in other American cities.

The concerts at the Warsaw Philharmonic will also feature Symphony No. 1 in C minor Op. 68 by Johannes Brahms. It took the composer very long time to take up the challenge of composing a symphonic work. Sketches of the first of his four symphonies come from 1868. Premiered in 1876, it contains features typical for the composer’s style: his predilection for dark, vivid colours, nostalgia, quiet melancholy, and heroic-tragic moods.

More information: www.filharmonia.pl

Workshops for children "Tell Me a Story" in Wilanów

OMB Polish Society for Contemporary Music invites children and parents to participate in the workshops "Tell Me a Story" held on October 15, 2016 in the Wilanów Culture Centre in Warsaw (3 Kolegiacka Street).

The workshops, designed for children aged 3-5 and 6-8, involve literature- and music-based improvisation, and will be led by the project initiators - double-bassist Małgorzata Kołcz and composer Jarosław Siwiński. Vocalist Iza Kowalewska and percussionist Ryszard Bazarnik will be the guest performers.

Admission free, however booking free tickets is required (mobile: +48 790 395 228 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The project is co-financed by the Wilanów District of the City of Warsaw.

More information: Facebook event

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Read more: Workshops for children "Tell Me a Story" in Wilanów

Agata Zubel and Silesian String Quartet play Krzanowski, Lasoń and Bartók

altAgata Zubel, laureate of the Coryphaeus of Polish Music Award 2016, and Silesian String Quartet will give a performance on October 8, 2016 at the Chamber Hall of the Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra.



Béla Bartók – String Quartet No. 3

Aleksander Lasoń Relief for Andrzej for string quartet

Andrzej KrzanowskiAudition VI for soprano and string quartet (lyr. by Juliusz Słowacki)


Tickets available on-line at: www.nospr.org.pl

3rd Musical Autumn in Krakow

Krakowska Jesień3rd edition of the Musical Autumn Festival will be held between October 10-13, 2016 at the Krakow Philharmonic.

The event is aimed at presenting classical and contemporary chamber music both by Polish and foreign composers. The programme includes also the premiere performance of Marta Ptaszyńska's Pink Magic (Songs of Sappho) for flute and string trio, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage ("Composing Commissions" programme implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance).

More information: www.filharmonia.krakow.pl

Read more: 3rd Musical Autumn in Krakow

Andrzej Krzanowski In Memoriam

k New Music Orchestra with soloists Agata Zubel and Andrzej Bauer will perform at the concert entitled "Andrzej Krzanowski In Memoriam" on October 9, 2016 at the Chamber Hall of the Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra.

Andrzej Krzanowski (1951-1990), together with Eugeniusz Knapik and Aleksander Lasoń are the composers known as "Generation ‘51" because of their date of birth, or "the Stalowa Wola Generation", after the legendary Stalowa Wola festival. Standing in opposition to the 1950s and 1960s avant-garde, these three wrote music was to be labelled as "new Romanticism", however, each of them, retained his own individuality and autonomy. Andrzej Krzanowski was the one who, of all the "Generation ‘51", retained the closest links to the avant-garde.

The programme of the concert includes Krzanowski’s Audition III (1974) for actor, soprano, 2 accordions, baritone saxophone, trumpet, electric guitar, percussion, tape and projectors, and Audition IV (1975) for voice, siren, cymbals, accordion and 2 tapes, as well as Marcin Bortnowski’s new composition Expectation for cello and chamber orchestra, which is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage ("Composing Commissions" programme implemented by the Institute of Music and Dance).

Tickets available on-line at: www.nospr.org.pl