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8th International Sfogato Music & Arts Festival

sThe 8th International Sfogato Music & Arts Festival will take place between September 28 and December 6, 2017. It is the only regular festival event in Krakow, for which the music and the creative personality of Frederic Chopin is the main inspiration.

This symbolized the name of the event – "Sfogato" – the Italian word used for the first time by Frederic Chopin as a musical term to describe one epizode of his Barcarolle in F sharp major, Op. 60. Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz interpreted sfogato epizode, definited by Chopin with an adjective dolce, as a moment that brings catharsis, ecstasy and purification. By using this parallel he referred to the function, which art, and music, served in ancient times. The aim of the festival is to present the multifaceted role of music and art in human life.

This year's edition will be inaugurated by „Chopin Soirée” at 6 p.m. at Villa Decius (17a 28 Lipca 1943 Street). On October 22 at St. Adalbert's Church there will be a recital performed by violinist Marek Polanski and organist Michal Bialko. The programme also includes Piano Workshops organized with MARTATELIER.CO, International Sfogato Ringtone & Signal Composition Competition and Scientific Conference: Psychology. Music – Art – Media.

Media Patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Detailed information: www.sfogatofestival.com, www.martatelier.pl 


Read more: 8th International Sfogato Music & Arts Festival

„Scena Muzyki Nowej – cykl koncertów w Nowym Teatrze”

ntTowarzystwo im. Witolda Lutosławskiego zaprasza na kolejne przedsięwzięcie w ramach projektu „Scena Muzyki Nowej – cykl koncertów w Nowym Teatrze”. 22 października 2017 roku w Nowym Teatrze o godz. 19.00 będzie miał miejsce koncert „Beckett i inni”.

Twórczość Samuela Becketta to niewątpliwie jedno z najważniejszych literackich źródeł inspiracji dla muzyki XX i XXI wieku. Jego teksty wykorzystała m.in. Agata Zubel w trzech kompozycjach, w tym w Not I – utworze, dzięki któremu wrocławska kompozytorka i wokalistka zyskała szeroki międzynarodowy rozgłos, oraz w zamieszczonych w programie koncertu What is the Word (2012) i Cascando (2007). Odmienny w nastroju jest jej niewykonany jeszcze w Polsce Chapter 13 (2015) do tekstu zaczerpniętego z Małego księcia Antoine’a Saint-Exupéry’ego.

Po twórczość irlandzkiego autora kilkakrotnie sięgał György Kurtág (ur. 1926), jeden z najsłynniejszych żyjących kompozytorów. 32 muzyczne aforyzmy …Pas à pas – nulle part… (1993–1998) do poetyckich tekstów Becketta, wydobywające maksimum ekspresji z oszczędnych gestów, należą do najwybitniejszych osiągnięć węgierskiego twórcy.

Twórczość radiowa Witolda Lutosławskiego to nadal mało znana część jego dorobku. Dzięki inicjatywie Chain Ensemble składających się na nią pozycji będzie można wysłuchać na kolejnych koncertach zespołu w Nowym Teatrze. Przegląd ten zainaugurują Trzy fragmenty na flet i harfę (1953). Pierwszy z nich – Allegro molto – to ilustracja do słuchowiska „Magia” wg Teokryta, zaś drugi i trzeci – Andante con moto i Presto – to muzyka do słuchowiska „Odys na Itace" wg Odysei Jana Parandowskiego.

Przewodnikami w krótkim przeglądzie XX-wiecznych inspiracji literackich w nowej muzyce będą wraz z Chain Ensemble pod dyrekcją Andrzeja Bauera znakomici soliści: niemiecki baryton Frank Wörner i Agata Zubel.

Koncert współfinansuje m. st. Warszawa. Bilety w cenie 20 zł do nabycia w kasach Nowego Teatru oraz na http://bilety.nowyteatr.org/ 

5th Lower Silesian Music Festival

dThe 5th edition of the Lower Silesian Music Festival will be held between September and December 2017.

The festival concerts will take place at historic sites, palaces and churches of the Lower Silesia Region. The list of performers includes such ensembles as Clair-Obscur Saxophone Quartet, Orchestra and Choir of the "Śląsk" Song and Dance Ensemble, and LutosAir Quintet.

The programme will feature works by Polish composers: Ciaccona In memoriam Giovanni Paolo II by Krzysztof Penderecki (September 3), songs by Mieczysław Karłowicz arranged by pianist Thomas Cornelius (September 17), and Quintet for wind instruments by Tadeusz Szeligowski (October 22).

Media patronage: Polish Music Infomation Centre POLMIC.

More information at the Facebook Profile.

100th anniversary of Edward Czerny’s birthday

cGala concert on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Edward Czerny’s birthday will take place on October 21, 2017 at Krakow Philharmonic.

In 2017 we celebrate the 100th birth anniversary of Edward Czerny (1917-2003), an excellent Polish composer whose music forms a bridge between the Polish pre-war jazz and the Polish jazz school as we know it today. Edward Czerny was a conductor, multi-instrumentalist, composer, journalist, founder of the first Polish jazz big band.

His pieces will be performed by Krakow Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Wojciech Rodek along with soloists: Adam Makowicz – piano, Anna Serafińska – soprano, Dawid Czernik – violin, Paweł Sztompke – MCs.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

"Famous – Rebellious" Symphony Concert

fgA symphony concert entitled "Famous – Rebellious" will be held at the Gorzów Philharmonic on October 20, 2017 at 7 p.m. It will premiere Weronika Ratusińska-Zamuszko's Concerto for alto saxophone and symphony orchestra.

The Concerto was written for acclaimed saxophonist Paweł Gusnar who weill perform the piece along with the Gorzów Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of Janusz Przybylski. The programme will also include Aram Chaczaturian's Masquerade Suite and Georges Bizet's Symphony in C major.

More information: http://www.filharmoniagorzowska.pl

„Wieczór z serenadą”

w„Wieczór z serenadą” to koncert, który zostanie zaprezentowany w Filharmonii Warmińsko-Mazurskiej 20 października 2017 roku o godz. 19.00. W wykonaniu orkiestry smyczkowej Filharmonii Warmińsko-Mazurskiej oraz Jakuba Haufy zabrzmi m. in. kompozycja Krzysztofa Pendereckiego.

Dyrygentem, który poprowadzi orkiestrę smyczkową Filharmonii Warmińsko-Mazurskiej oraz wystąpi z nią jako skrzypek, będzie Jakub Haufa. Ten znakomity artysta od 2003 roku jest I koncertmistrzem orkiestry Sinfonia Varsovia, z którą występuje na całym świecie, realizując nagrania płytowe, radiowe i telewizyjne.

W programie „Wieczoru z serenadą” zostaną wykonane kompozycje Krzysztofa Pendereckiego, Felixa Mendelssohna-Bartholdy’ego i Edwarda Williama Elgara. Trzy utwory w dawnym stylu na orkiestrę smyczkową to kompozycja, która pokazuje nam awangardystę Pendereckiego przyodzianego w archaiczny muzyczny strój, w którym jak się okazuje, jest mu wyjątkowo do twarzy. Koncert zakończy kompozycja Edvarda Griega – Suita Z czasów Holberga op. 40. Dzieło zostało skomponowane specjalnie na uroczyście obchodzoną w całej Skandynawii 200-tną rocznicę urodzin Ludviga Holberga - największego komediopisarza Północy, Norwega z pochodzenia, tworzącego na przełomie XVII i XVIII wieku.

W dniu koncertu o godz. 18.00 w sali kameralnej Filharmonii red. Piotr Matwiejczuk (Polskie Radio Program II) poprowadzi spotkanie, które będzie wprowadzeniem do koncertu.

Dodatkowe informacje – na stronie: www.filharmonia.olsztyn.pl

Austria meets Poland 3

aAustrian Culture Forum in Warsaw invites to three concerts  „Austria meets Poland 3” that will take place between October 17 and 19, 2017 in Kielce, Łódź and Warsaw.

In 2012, the excellent saxophonists Cornelia Högl-Egretzberger and Alicja Wołyńczyk created an international project "Austria meets Poland", which started thanks to the cooperation with the Austrian Culture Forum in Warsaw. The Polish-Austrian saxophone trio commissioned music of four Austrian composers. The compositions were composed of by the young generation: Julia Schreitl, Viola Falb, Christoph Siman and Alexander Kral, and performed in Austria and Poland by saxophone trio composed of Dorota Samsel, Alicja Wołyńczyk and Cornelia Högl. The concerts were very warmly received, so the idea for the next edition of the project was formed. In 2015, two saxophone-piano duos – Polish and Austrian – prepared music specially written for this occasion, the music of Austrian and Polish composers. Compositions of Christoph Siman and Alexander Kral were performed by the Polish duo, while the works of Łukasz Godyla and Marcin Tadeusz Łukaszewski – by the Austrian duo. 

The third edition of the project will include three commissioned premieres: Anna Maria Huszcza's Sonore for alto saxophone, flute and piano, Viola Falb's Synergie for alto saxophone, accordion and piano, and Julia Schreitl's Kreistanz for alto saxophone, accordion and piano. We will also hear works of such contemporary composers as Max Nagl, Krzysztof Penderecki, Guy Lacour, Graham Fitkin and Florian Bramböck. Among the performers there will be Polish Trio (Alicja Wołyńczyk – saxophone, Adam Sychowski – piano, Jarosław Gałuszka – accordion) and Austrian Trio (Cornelia Högl-Egretzberger – saxophone, Cordula Bösze – flute, Stefan Schön –piano).

Admission free.

See: Facebook event.



"Pictures from Conrad" Festival / "The Diminishing Parts of Peace"


The third concert of the "Pictures from Conrad" Festival, organised by the Polish Society of Contemporary Music, will take place on October 17, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. at The Oskar Kolberg Music School Complex in Radom.

The aim of the festival is to present contemporary works inspired by Joseph Conrad's novels. The concert on October 17 will premiere The Diminishing Parts of Peace by Adrian Williams along with recitation of Poland Revisited.

The list of performers will feature Grzegorz Ociepka (recitations) and the Chamber Ensemble of the Polish Society of Contemporary Music under the direction of Sławek A. Wróblewski. Before the concert, at 12.00 p.m., there will be a meeting with composer Adrian Williams and actor Grzegorz Ociepka, who will talk about their inspirations, literature and music.

Tickets: 8 PLN, available before the concert. Early reservations recommended (phone +48 36 266 65, e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

SEEFacebook Event.

World premiere of the religious opera "Moses" by Anton Rubinstein

mOn October 15, 2017 The Polish Sinfonia Iuventus Orchestra will premiere the religious opera Moses, Op. 112 by Anton Rubinstein. The event, organised under patronage of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Polish National Commission for UNESCO, will take place at 7 p.m. at the Warsaw Philharmonic.

It is not common for an audience to witness a modern premiere of a composition by a prominent author, created more than a century ago. And that is precisely the one-of-a-kind event that will take place in Warsaw in October. Thanks to the efforts of Maestro Michail Jurowski, the world-renowned Russian bandmaster, the principal guest conductor of Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus, the forgotten score was found, arranged, and a performance of the religious opera Moses by Anton Rubinstein (1829-1894) was prepared.

Moses was created in 1885–1891 with the libretto by Salomon Hermann Mosenthal. It tells, in eight evocative images, the entire story of the prophet. The piece maintains an expressive, neo-Romantic style and features a number of magnificent arias and ensembles, and in particular some enchanting group scenes that depict the dramatic episodes described in the Biblical Pentateuch. It has never been publicly performed in full on stage, although it has been prepared for a performance in Prague, at the Neues Deutsches Theater in 1892.

The long-awaited premiere of the concerto version of the opera conducted by Michail Jurowski will take place at the Warsaw Philharmonic on October 15, 2017, and will be recorded. The title part features the baritone Stanisław Kuflyuk, born in Ukraine, with close ties to Poland for years, and with world-wide recognition. His mother, Jochebed, will be portrayed by the famous Małgorzata Walewska – a star of the MET, the Royal Opera House, and other prestigious stages. We will also witness the performance of Evelina Dobračeva (Asnath, daughter of Moses), a star of e.g. the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, and Torsten Kerl (the Pharaoh; he shall also be the voice of God Himself), a German tenor who often takes on Wagnerian and Straussian parts. This is but a fragment of the immense cast – aside from a plethora of other excellent soloists, the highlighted group parts will be performed by the National Philharmonic Choir and the Artos Children’s Choir.

Tickets: www.eBilet.plwww.bilety24.pl, and at the ticket office of the Warsaw Philharmonic.