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Zielona Góra | Inauguration of the 68th artistic season of Zielona Góra Philharmonic

FZ 23.9.23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Works by Baird, Kisielewski, Cynk, Mozart and Reinecke will inaugurate the 68th artistic season of Tadeusz Baird Zielona Góra Philharmonic on the 23rd of September, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. Szymon Mechliński and Joel van Lerber will perform together with the Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra conducted by Rafał Kłoczko.

After the Little Overture by Stefan Kisielewski, Four Love Sonnets to the words of W. Shakespeare will be played - one of the most famous works by the patron of the Zielona Góra Philharmonic. During this year's inauguration, Szymon Mechliński will interpret Baird's masterpiece. He will also premiere Love Sonnets by Magdalena Cynk, commissioned especially for this occasion. In her work, Cynk refers to Baird's compositions and thus pays tribute to him: she uses Shakespearean texts translated by Maciej Słomczyński and uses them in an identical composition to Baird's.

Read more: Zielona Góra | Inauguration of the 68th artistic season of Zielona Góra Philharmonic

Cracow | 21st Sacrum Profanum

SacrumProfanum 23

Autumn in Cracow will resound with the sounds of experimental music, as every year! The 21st Sacrum Profanum will take place on September 23–24 and November 9–12, 2023. The theme of this year's edition will be ‘Multiverse’.

Contemporary music is a heterogeneous field that constantly offers new aesthetic and conceptual spaces. The three main concerts of the festival will create appropriate connections between contemporary music and broadly understood alternative music.

This year, you will be able to immerse yourself endlessly in the minimalist music of Aleksandra Słyż, in a new composition written for Sinfonietta Cracovia. The orchestra will also perform works by the prominent Lithuanian composer Justė Janulytė and the first Polish minimalist Tomasz Sikorski (the 12th of November this year is the 35th anniversary of his death).

Read more: Cracow | 21st Sacrum Profanum

Henryk Czyżewski, composer, music theoretician and conductor passed away...


On the 21st of September, composer, music theoretician and conductor Henryk Czyżewski, an ordinary member of the Polish Composers' Union since 1974, died in Lublin at the age of 86...

Henryk Czyżewski was a co-founder of the Youth Circle of the Polish Composers’ Union; he also belonged to the Polish Society of Contemporary Music.

As a conductor, he led choirs in musical institutions and universities in the Tricity (PWSM, Medical Academy, University of Gdańsk, State Opera and Baltic Philharmonic, Musical Theater in Gdynia). He performed with the choir of the University of Gdańsk, of which he was the founder, for 13 years, winning a number of awards in Western Europe. He led the Youth Symphony Orchestra at the Municipal Cultural Center in Gdańsk (1971-72). He performed approximately 600 concerts in over 20 countries around the world.

Read more: Henryk Czyżewski, composer, music theoretician and conductor passed away...

Lublin | 12th International Festival ‘Andrzej Nikodemowicz time and sound’

AndrzejNikodemowiczCz 2312th International Festival ‘Andrzej Nikodemowicz time and sound’, organized by the Henryk Wieniawski Music Society in Lublin, will take place on September 22 - October 22, 2023. During ten concerts, Polish music will be presented by recognized performers from Poland and abroad.

The opening and final concerts will take place at the Lublin Philharmonic. During the inauguration, the Lublin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, violinist Dominika Falger and pianist Piotr Sałajczyk, conducted by Daniel Mieczkowski, will perform. The festival will close with a concert of pianists Beata Bilińska and Filip Wojciechowski.

Chamber concerts will take place at the Crown Tribunal, Tadeusz Szeligowski Primary and Secondary Music Schools and the Karol Lipiński General Primary and Secondary Music School. Admission to the chamber concerts is free.

The Festival programme includes piano recitals by Anna Górecka and Piotr Banasik, a vocal recital by Ewa Biegas, a chamber concert on the occasion of the International Music Day, and a chamber concert by the Glière Quartet in Vienna. The concert on the 24th of September with the participation of Cracow Duo - Kalinowski & Szlezer will also be dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Krzysztof Meyer's birth.

Read more: Lublin | 12th International Festival ‘Andrzej Nikodemowicz time and sound’

Hashtag Ensemble Young Academy workshops: application deadline on the 24th of September!

MlodaAkademiaHashtag 23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

For the second time, students playing violin, cello, viola or double bass will be able to take part in free Hashtag Ensemble Young Academy workshops. They will be led by the violinist Marta Piórkowska, a teacher at the Karol Szymanowski Music Schools Complex in Warsaw. Learning in great company is beautiful! The organizers are waiting for applications until the 24th of September, 2023.

Students of music schools of the first degree (grades 4-6/8) and the second degree (grades 1-2) will meet twice a month - on Saturdays at 11:00 - from the 7th of October, 2023 to the 20th of April, 2024, will take part in the final concert and receive a certificate of completion of the Hashtag Ensemble Young Academy.

During 12 meetings in the Hashtag Lab Contemporary Music Space, children will learn about contemporary music, improvisation, new techniques and an interesting repertoire.

More details: https://hashtaglab.pl/mloda-akademia/ 

Sopot | 23rd International Maria Fołtyn Festival ‘Kaleidoscope of Musical Forms’

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Kalejdoskop 23The International Festival ‘Kaleidoscope of Musical Forms’ in Sopot, thanks to its extensive programme and performances by famous artists (Polish and foreign), is highly appreciated by critics, the Tri-City audience and guests of the seaside resort. During the 23rd edition, from the 22nd of September to the 7th of October, 2023, early and contemporary, jazz and klezmer music will be presented in the historic interiors of Sopot, both performed by titled musicians and participants of the Master Class for Singers.

Those participating in the Festival will be: Witold Lutosławski Orchestra of the Chamber Philharmonic in Łomża conducted by Jan Miłosz Zarzycki, Tansman Trio, Trio Sopot, Ludwik Sarski Orchestra, duo Paweł Nowicki (marimba, vibraphone) and Piotr Nowicki (piano), Anna Mikulska-Argenty (cello), Olivier Lusinach (flute), Philippe Argenty (piano), artistic director of the Festival Dariusz S. Wójcik (bass) and programme director Dr. Jacek Szymański (tenor).

The multicultural character of the Festival will be emphasized by music from different parts of the world. There will also be works by Polish artists: we will hear works by Adam Jarzębski, Fryderyk Chopin, Mieczysław Karłowicz, Alexander Tansman, Andrzej Krzanowski, Edward Pałłasz, Andrzej Dziadek.

Read more: Sopot | 23rd International Maria Fołtyn Festival ‘Kaleidoscope of Musical Forms’

Katowice | Season Inauguration of the Silesian Chamber Orchestra

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

FS 22.9.23The Silesian Chamber Orchestra will inaugurate its artistic season on the 22nd of September, 2023, under the leadership of its director - violinist and conductor Piotr Pławner. The soloist of the concert will be Aleksandra Gajecka-Antosiewicz, who, together with the Silesian Philharmonic, will show the audience a harpsichord in both its contemporary and baroque versions, as well as the premiere of the Lark Concerto by Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa. Flautist Magdalena Maliszewska will also perform.

The concert will begin with works by contemporary composers. It will be the Lark Concerto for amplified harpsichord and chamber orchestra by Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa, performed for the first time in history, written especially for the Silesian Philharmonic as part of the ‘Composer's Commissions’ programme and dedicated to the memory of the patron of the institution - Henryk Mikołaj Górecki. The second of them will be an interesting work with unusual instrumentation, i.e. Music for recorders, marimba, percussion and string instruments by Krzysztof Penderecki.

Read more: Katowice | Season Inauguration of the Silesian Chamber Orchestra

Katowice | „Zamówienia kompozytorskie” 2023: Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil

Patronat medialny nad wydarzeniem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Zamowienia 22.9.23Najnowszy utwór Grażyny Pstrokońskiej-Nawratil AvalancheSonata (Lawina) nawiązuje do twórczości Mieczysława Karłowicza, który jako zapalony taternik przedwcześnie zginął właśnie zasypany lawiną pod Małym Kościelcem. 22 września 2023 o godz. 18.00 w Studiu Koncertowym Radia Katowice dzieło zaprezentują po raz pierwszy muzycy o światowej renomie: małżeństwo flecistów – Agata Kielar-Długosz i Łukasz Długosz – oraz pianista Andrzej Jungiewicz. Wstęp wolny!

Utwór, zamówiony przez Katowice Miasto Ogrodów - Instytucję Kultury im. Krystyny Bochenek, powstał w ramach programu „Zamówienia kompozytorskie”, realizowanego przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca. Poza prawykonaną kompozycją Grażyny Pstrokońskiej-Nawratil w programie koncertu znajdą się zarówno dzieła oryginalnie przeznaczone na dwa flety i fortepian, jak i aranżacje na ten skład. Usłyszymy m.in. muzykę Fryderyka Chopina, Adama Wesołowskiego i Ewy Fabiańskiej-Jelińskiej.

Powtórzenie prawykonania 30 września będzie miało miejsce w ramach 18. Międzynarodowego Festiwalu im. Grzegorza Gerwazego Gorczyckiego. W tym koncercie trio państwa Długoszów i A. Jungiewicza wykona dwa utwory, pozostałą część wypełnią współwykonawcy.

Read more: Katowice | „Zamówienia kompozytorskie” 2023: Grażyna Pstrokońska-Nawratil

Toruń | 3rd Young Music Festival 'Hommage à Mikołaj Kopernik'

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

FestiwalMlodejM 23The third edition of the Young Music Festival will again promote the work of young artists and artists associated with the Kuyavian-Pomeranian region and Toruń. On September 22 - October 1, 2023, new, electroacoustic and jazz music will be presented, meetings, workshops, a competition and an exhibition will take place. Most of the events will be dedicated to Nicolaus Copernicus on the occasion of the 550th anniversary of his birth, celebrated in 2023. Free entrance!

Soloists, ensembles and two orchestras will perform, including the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra of the Polish Radio conducted by Agnieszka Duczmal and the Zielona Góra Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Toruń's conductor Rafał Kłoczko. The concerts ‘Music of Toruń composers’ and ‘Morning of Copernicus, or Electroacoustics for Copernicus’ will feature world premieres of works by: Ewa Fabiańska-Jelińska, Magdalena Cynk, Adam Falenta, Maria Krzemień, Maciej Jabłoński, Piotr Moss, Mateusz Ryczek, Jędrzej Rochecki, Michał Ossowski and Paweł Dudzik.

Detailed programme: http://www.ptm.info.pl/ 

Read more: Toruń | 3rd Young Music Festival 'Hommage à Mikołaj Kopernik'