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Wrocław | International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra in the National Forum of Music

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

NFM 24.8.23

The International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra is the only youth orchestra in Poland with an international character, which makes it unique. The team from Szczecin is connected with the National Forum of Music by its patron - Witold Lutosławski, whose 110th birth anniversary we are celebrating this year. Therefore, the programme of the Wrocław performance on the 24th of August, 2023 could not miss his music. Probably the most famous piece from the composer's oeuvre will be performed - Concerto for Orchestra.

The concert will be opened by a work of Krzysztof Penderecki, Szczecin Fanfare, which in 2014 sounded during the opening of the new building of the Mieczysław Karłowicz Philharmonic. The modern building also became the headquarters of ILYO. The fanfare was prepared by Penderecki especially for this occasion. Between the works of two Polish masters, the artists will present the music of Maurice Ravel and Richard Strauss.

Press release

More: https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/component/nfmcalendar/event/10309 

Read more: Wrocław | International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra in the National Forum of Music

Łódź | GD->ŁDZ: Electrø-acøustic cøncert

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

GD LDZ 22.8.23GD->ŁDZ. Electrø-acøustic cøncert is a new project created by two young composers from Gdańsk Jakub Pawlak and Szymon Wieczorek which will be presented at the Ignorantka Club in Łódź (Legionów 22) on the 22nd of August, 2023 at 20.00.

It is an artistic concept based on three stages of destruction of individual.

Tickets available here: https://goingapp.pl/wydarzenie/gd-ldz-koncertelektroakustyczny/sierpien-2023) and here: (https://empikbilety.pl/wydarzenie/gd-ldzkoncert-elektroakustyczny/sierpien-2023)

Additional information: https://www.facebook.com/events/997036631440040/ 

Read more: Łódź | GD->ŁDZ: Electrø-acøustic cøncert

13th Koryfeusz Muzyki Polskiej Award — submit your candidate!

Koryfeusz 23

The thirteenth edition of the Koryfeusz Muzyki Polskiej award of the Polish music community, organized by the National Institute of Music and Dance, begins. Until the 14th of September 2023, via the website www.koryfeusz.org.pl, you can submit nominations for the award in the following categories: Personality of the Year, Event of the Year and Honorary Award, as well as in the category Discovery of the Year for debuting artists. Applications can be submitted by people associated with Polish musical life.

The winners in the Personality of the Year, Event of the Year and Honorary Award categories are selected by the Electoral College during a secret ballot. It is composed of rectors of music academies and universities, directors of musicology institutes and music institutes, music journalists, representatives of trade unions and organizations, as well as all winners awarded in all categories so far. The award in the Discovery of the Year category is granted on the basis of an open public vote, which will take place between the 25th and the 29th of September at www.koryfeusz.org.pl.

Read more: 13th Koryfeusz Muzyki Polskiej Award — submit your candidate!

Results of the 3rd Composition Competition of the ArteFonie Festival announced

POLMICMedia patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

The Art'n'Voices Vocal Ensemble and the Association of Young Artists of the Wejherowo Region awarded one 1st prize to Anna Maria Huszcza and one honorable mention to Daniel Badecki as part of the 3rd Composition Competition of the ArteFonie Festival. The organizers received over 40 works this year. The compositions were judged by members of the Art'n'Voices Vocal Ensemble.

The jury decided that the laureate Anna Maria Huszcza would receive a financial award, and her work would be premiered by the Female Chamber Choir in Kościerzyna.

Composers will also receive POLMIC material prizes - CDs issued by the Polish Music Information Centre.

The award ceremony will take place during the final concert of the 3rd ArteFonie Festival on the 9th of September in the Church of St. Stanisław Kostka in Wejherowo.


Katowice | 17th edition of the Polish Promotion Festival 'August of Talents'

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

SierpienTalentow 23The 17th edition of the Polish Promotion Festival 'August of Talents' will take placeon August 20–31, 2023. Traditionally, we will first meet in Kościuszko Park to close the ‘Music Promenade’ cycle with a vocal concert and at the same time inaugurate the Festival. Subsequent events will take place at the Radio Katowice Concert Studio and the City of Gardens chamber music hall.

The ‘Vocal Promenade’ will feature the winners of the Monika Swarowska-Walawska International Vocal Festival and Competition: Zuzanna Wrona – soprano, Mingxuan Chen – tenor and Grzegorz Rubacha – baritone, with piano accompaniment by Bogusława Suchanek.

Details: www.miasto-ogrodow.eu 

Read more: Katowice | 17th edition of the Polish Promotion Festival 'August of Talents'

Lublin | ‘Strong together - we serve the homeland and society'

MocniRazem 18.8.23The August outdoor concert of the Lublin Philharmonic ‘Strong together - we serve the homeland and society’ will take place in the Saxon Garden on the 19th of August, 2023 at 19.00. The Lublin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will perform conducted by Krzesimir Dębski, while the Military Orchestra from Lublin will be conducted by Lt. Paweł Kołodziej. The unique concert will be accompanied by a military picnic on the theater square in front of the Center for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin. Free entrance!

In the first part of the concert we will hear well-known works of classical music, referring to the glory of the Polish army, in the second - the most beautiful pieces by Krzesimir Dębski.

Read more: Lublin | ‘Strong together - we serve the homeland and society'

1st edition of the 'Muziko De Nia Tempo' Festival in Podlasie

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

MuzikoDeNia 23On August 18-27, 2023, the Armonia dell'arte Foundation is organizing a unique Festival ‘Muziko De Nia Tempo’ - or ‘Music of our time’ in Esperanto. The first edition of the festival will take us to the extraordinary world of many cultures, religions and languages ​​that have coexisted in Podlasie for centuries. The concerts will be enriched with an audiovisual layer using AI, implemented by the Interference Visual Crew, and creative lighting.

Through a variety of concert programmes inspired by the integration of representatives of different cultures, ‘Muziko De Nia Tempo’ will bring Ludwik Zamenhof's dreams to life. We will hear contemporary music, both avant-garde and more classical.

Programme of the Festival: http://www.muzikodeniatempo.pl/ 

Read more: 1st edition of the 'Muziko De Nia Tempo' Festival in Podlasie

Warsaw | Composition workshops as part of the 66th International Festival of Contemporary Music ‘Warsaw Autumn’

Composition workshops as part of the 66th International Festival of Contemporary Music ‘Warsaw Autumn’ will be led by Yannis Kyriakides, Sky Macklay, Bernhard Lang, Marko Ciciliani and Bára Gísladóttir. The events will take place at the Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw, Próżna street 7/9. Participation in the workshops is free. The deadline for submitting applications is the 31st of August, 2023.

The programme of the event which will take place on September 17-22, 2023 also includes meetings with such composers and teachers as Fozie Majd, Yannis Kyriakides, Chaya Czernowin, Sky Macklay, Krzysztof Knittel, Bernhard Lang, Simon Loeffler, Marko Ciciliani, Hans van Koolwijk, Pawel Romańczuk, Bára Gísladottir.

The event is organized by the Youth Circle of the Polish Composers' Union.

Additional information: https://www.facebook.com/kmzkp 

Read more: Warsaw | Composition workshops as part of the 66th International Festival of Contemporary Music...

Aleksandra Świgut - first receiver of the VeloTalent scholarship programme

Swigut Aleksandra 23

VeloBank is launching a pilot of the VeloTalent programme, the aim of which is to support exceptional personalities from the world of culture, science and sport in the development of their careers.

The project inaugurates the patronage of a music publishing house with the participation of Aleksandra Świgut, one of the most interesting Polish pianists. The artist, in addition to help in recording and releasing the album, will also receive support, among other forms in creating a personal brand in social media and will gain knowledge in the field of financial management. Other participants of the VeloTalent programme will be able to receive similar assistance.

More about the programme: https://www.velobank.pl/klienci-indywidualni/biuro-prasowe/aleksandra-swigut-pierwsza-stypendystka-programu-velotalent.html 

Read more: Aleksandra Świgut - first receiver of the VeloTalent scholarship programme