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Łódź | In Tribute to the Masters


A choir concert of the Łódź Philharmonic Choir will take place in the Evangelical-Augsburg church of St Matthew in Łódź on 25 October 2020 at 5.00 p.m.

The choristers will present a stylistically diverse repertoire, which will include pieces from the 16th century (Wacław z Szamotuły) to the latest music (Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, Krzysztof Penderecki). All these compositions will be united by a religious theme related to the All Saints' Day celebrated at the beginning of November.

We will hear, among others, one of the most famous religious songs by Wacław of Szamotuły, Already It Is Dusk. The work of this outstanding Renaissance composer captivates with the symmetry of phrases, clear texture and, above all, rich melodic inventiveness. Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) was composed by Krzysztof Penderecki at the news of the death of the Primate of Poland Stefan Wyszyński and performed during his funeral ceremony. Before it became the fifth part of A Polish Requiem, it had functioned as an independent piece. Karol Szymanowski's Fac me tecum pie flere (Let me mingle tears with thee) from Stabat Mater is the prayer of the Mother of God, which refers to the religious works of the Renaissance. The programme will also include Stanisław Moniuszko's Ecce lignum crucis, Feliks Nowowiejski's Parce Domine from the Finding the Holy Cross oratorio and Sanctus from Missa pro pace, Henryk Mikołaj Górecki's compositions from the series From church songs, and works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Nikolai Kedrov.

The concert will be led by Dawid Ber, Choirmaster of the Łódź Philharmonic. Magdalena Szymańska (soprano), Dominika Stefańska (mezzo-soprano) and Rafał Maciejewski (baritone) will perform as soloists.

Full programme is available at: https://filharmonia.lodz.pl/pl 

Scientific Conference "Piano Connections. In the circle of piano chamber music for various ensembles" online

UMFCThe Department of Piano and String Chamber Music at the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw invites you on 24-25 October 2020 to the Scientific Conference "Piano Connections. In the circle of piano chamber music for various ensembles".

The conference was to include an extensive artistic part, providing a meeting platform for performers of chamber works for mixed ensembles, i.e. piano and strings and / or wind instruments and / or voice, representing various academic environments. Due to the epidemiological situation, the conference will be include only the scientific part, which will be held on the FCUM YouTube channel.

The project led by dr hab. Ewa Skardowska aims to discuss issues related to the content, artistic idea and performance of chamber pieces for less frequently used instruments, as well as topics related to piano chamber music and philosophy of music. Professors of music academies will discuss, among others, contemporary performance techniques in works for cello and piano by Polish composers of the 21st century, editing and performance issues of Witold Friemann's works and Jewish themes in compositions by Ryszard Sielicki. Conference lectures will be broadcast from 10.00 a.m.–2.30 p.m. (24 October) and 10.00 a.m.– 1.30 p.m. (25 October).

Full programme is available athttps://www.chopin.edu.pl/ 

Wrocław | Inauguration of the NFM Organ

NFMThe long-awaited inauguration of the organ in the Main Hall of the National Forum of Music in Wrocław will take place during the weekend of 24-25 October 2020. The state-of-the-art organ is equipped with 4 700 pipes.

The building of the pipe organ at the National Forum of Music has been completed. Thanks to this, the wonderful organ repertoire of the past centuries will be brought to life at the NFM, and the opportunity to play contemporary organ works will open the way to getting acquainted with new compositions. The instrument was designed and made by organ builders from the Orgelbau Klais Bonn workshop, which boasts over one hundred years of tradition and experience. Its regal sound will perfectly match the acclaimed NFM acoustic.

The inaugural weekend will include five organ concerts performed by outstanding artists representing different generations. We will listen to the doyen of Polish organists Julian Gembalski and Karol Mossakowski, a young artist quickly gaining recognition from the audience and critics. Andrzej Chorosiński, Elżbieta Karolak and Józef Serafin will present a varied programme, which includes works by 20th-century Polish composer Marian Sawa. Roman Perucki, Piotr Rojek and Marcin Szelest will perform pieces by six composers representing various eras and musical styles, including Zbigniew Kruczek's Prelude and Fugue on a BACH Theme.

Detailed programme is available at: https://www.nfm.wroclaw.pl/ 

14th Gorlice Music Autumn

Kwartet Camerata

Famous soloists and ensembles will perform on 23-25 October 2020 at the Karwacjan and Gładysz Family Manors, the State Music School Complex in Gorlice and Biawena Health Resort in Wysowa during the concerts of the 14th Gorlice Music Autumn.

The festival is dedicated to Polish music presented in the international context. This year's edition is also devoted to Ludwig van Beethoven on the occasion of the composer's 250th birth anniversary celebrated around the world.

The event will feature three concerts, an evening of sung poetry and workshops for music school students devoted to the interpretation of the String Quartet No. 4 in E flat major, Op. 38 by Roman Statkowski. The Camerata Quartet will present works from their latest album, including rarely performed pieces by Witold Maliszewski and Roman Statkowski. The evening of sung poetry will be filled with original songs from Małgorzata Promińska's debut album recorded with the quartet. The Austrian Frizzante Trio, the Galician Quartet and the Cantores Carvatiani mixed choir will also perform works by Fryderyk Chopin, Andrzej Borzym and Ewa Borcz.

JOIN: Facebook Event

I Festiwal Muzyki Organowej i Kameralnej w Sanoku

SanokW dniach 16-18 października 2020 gościliśmy w Sanoku znamienitych gości za sprawą I Festiwalu Muzyki Organowej i Kameralnej, którego pomysłodawcą jest Łukasz Kot, prezes Stowarzyszenia Pro Artis. Przez trzy dni mogliśmy słuchać i oglądać koncerty na żywo – w Parafii NSPJ w Sanoku oraz za pomocą transmisji online (niedzielny koncert transmitowało Radio Fara).

Udział w Festiwalu wzięli: dyrektor artystyczny przedsięwzięcia – dr hab. Piotr Rojek, prof. Akademii Muzycznej im. Karola Lipińskiego we Wrocławiu (organy), pochodząca z Sanoka – dr hab. Agata Kielar-Długosz (flet) wraz z mężem, również flecistą – prof. dr. Łukaszem Długoszem, ponadto usłyszeliśmy prof. dr. hab. Romana Peruckiego (organy) i dr. hab. Jana Botora (organy). Artyści zaprezentowali różnorodny i bogaty repertuar, sięgając do utworów wybitnych kompozytorów, jak i wykonując własne improwizacje.

Wszyscy wykonawcy zaprezentowali niezwykle wysoki poziom artystyczny, co doceniła także publiczność, która każdy występ nagrodziła gromkimi brawami. Artyści natomiast wyrazili uznanie dla dyrektorów Festiwalu za wzorową organizację i przygotowanie eventu.

Burmistrz Miasta Sanoka Tomasz Matuszewski oraz Marszałek Województwa Podkarpackiego Władysław Ortyl, w listach przygotowanych na tę okazję, jednogłośnie stwierdzili, że Festiwal będzie ważnym wydarzeniem kulturalnym, które rozsławi miasto i stanie się ważnym ośrodkiem muzyki organowej i kameralnej na mapie Polski.

Patronat medialny nad Festiwalem objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Dyrektor artystyczny prof. Piotr Rojek

Dyrektor organizacyjny mgr Łukasz Kot

Read more: I Festiwal Muzyki Organowej i Kameralnej w Sanoku

V Krakowski Festiwal Akordeonowy: na granicy czerwonej strefy

KFAJeden z pierwszych jesiennych, ciepłych wieczorów, na Rynku słychać gwar rozmów, które toczą się w okolicznych lokalach. Schodzimy w dół do Piwnicy pod Barnami i z Pracowni dobiega nas przyjemna lekka nuta nowoorleańskich standardów, rozpoznawalne melodie w niecodziennej aranżacji, grane na akordeonie. Mijamy bar i wchodzimy do sali wypełnionej (wg możliwych standardów bezpieczeństwa) po brzegi słuchaczami. Ze sceny bije pogodna atmosfera radosnej improwizacji jazzowej. Agata Kuliś magnetyzuje swoją osobowością, angażuje widzów do wspólnego muzykowania, a Konrad Ligas groove’uje na akordeonie. Na chwilę zapominamy o pandemii, ograniczeniach i niesieni lekką, wpadającą w ucho muzyką znów czujemy się jak w typowej, krakowskiej Piwnicy.

Koncert Muzyki Jazzowej, który odbył się 9 października w Piwnicy Pod Baranami, był tylko jednym z wielu wydarzeń, które stanowiły 5. Krakowski Festiwal Akordeonowy organizowany przez Fundację Art Forum przy współudziale Akademii Muzycznej w Krakowie. Mimo trudności i ograniczeń związanych z wyjątkową sytuacją, w jakiej znajdujemy się od kilku miesięcy, organizatorzy zaproponowali niezwykle bogaty i różnorodny program, w którym znalazło się: 11 koncertów głównie muzyki poważnej, ale także koncert do filmu niemego, w tym 21 prawykonań, 6 warsztatów, spektakl teatru instrumentalnego, konkurs filmowy i wystawa designu – wszystkie wydarzenia odbyły się na żywo!

O popularności festiwalu świadczy bardzo wysoka frekwencja widzów i warsztatowiczów, a także zainteresowanie mediów lokalnych i ogólnopolskich. W całym festiwalu, który trwał od 4 do 11 października, wzięło udział aż 65 artystów, w tym Kroke z Jerzym Bawołem, Maciej Frąckiewicz, Martynas Levickis, Olga Szwajgier i Magdalena Kulig.

Wydarzenie zostało objęte patronatem medialnym Polskiego Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

Małgorzata Raczkowska

Klipy z każdego dnia festiwalowego produkcji Chillology są dostępne na kanale YouTube Krakowskiego Festiwalu Akordeonowego. Reportaże fotograficzne – na stronie https://krakowskifestiwalakordeonowy.pl/v-krakowski-festiwal-akordeonowy-2020-2/ 

Opole |Three Centuries of Music


"Three Centuries of Music" is a unique symphonic concert of the Józef Elsner Opole Philharmonic, which will take place on 23 October 2020 at 7.00 p.m. We will hear Beethoven' music juxtaposed with 20th and 21st century works.

The concert will begin with the Coriolan Overture, Op. 62 by Ludwig van Beethoven, inspired by the fate of the legendary Roman leader Coriolan. Two contrasting melodic lines in the piece – warlike and lyrical – reflect the character's psychological conflict.

Concerto for clarinet and orchestra, Op. 49 by Mikołaj Górecki, son of the famous Henryk Mikołaj Górecki, was composed especially for Roman Widaszek, who will perform as a soloist during the concert. Arthur Honegger's Symphony No. 2 was written during World War II and reflects this difficult and painful chapter in the history of mankind. The piece ends with a spark of hope brought by a trumpet solo to the accompaniment of strings. The Opole Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra will be conducted by Warcisław Kunc.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information at: https://filharmonia.opole.pl/ 

Bydgoszcz | [sound]Spectrum 2020

SOundSpectrumThe next [sound] Spectrum International New Music Symposium, organised by the Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz, will take place on 22-23 October 2020. The programme includes lectures, workshops and a composers' panel. All scheduled events can be followed on the Facebook profile and YouTube channel.

[sound] Spectrum is a symposium devoted to broadly understood contemporary music, the aim of which is to present its vast context. The event is part of the RID Regional Initiative of Excellence project, run by the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.

World-famous composers Hanna Kulenty and Aleksander Nowak will give lectures about their cretive process and latest compositions. Workshops with violist and composer Rafał Zalech will take place at the Academy of Music. Zalech will present its own hybrid instrument, which reads the finger positions of a musician playing a string instrument in 5000 points (2.5 octaves with a latency below 5ms) while maintaining all sonic qualities and playing comfort.

This year's [sound] Spectrum will be crowned with a panel discussion attended by Hanna Kulenty, Aleksander Nowak, Rafał Zapała, Sławek Wojciechowski, Wojtek Błażejczyk, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, Mikołaj Pałosz, Adam Kośmieja and Anna Kwiatkowska. The discussion will be moderated by Ewa Szczecińska (Polish Radio Channel 2). In addition, we will watch a recording of the September concert "Sci-fi / retro" from the Rozmaitości Theatre in Warsaw, presenting works for piano trio and film screenings with live music devoted to fantasies about other planets made over a hundred years ago.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Full programme is available at: https://openmusicreview.art/wydarzenia/soundspectrum-2020/ 

Rumia | 32nd Stanisław Ormiński International Festival of Religious Music

PFBThe 32nd Stanisław Ormiński International Festival of Religious Music will take place on 22-24 October 2020 at the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians in Rumia, presenting organ and choral music.

The festival was inspired by the work of a composer, humanist and youth educator, Salesian Father Stanisław Ormińskim, who worked in Rumia for over 26 years. It is a platform for the exchange of experiences between performers of choral music, as well as for promotion of music by Polish composers, especially among foreign performers. The Festival features three competitions: Organ Music Competition – for young organists up to 27 years of age, Choir Ensemble Competition – in three categories, and Competition for the best performance of a religious song in Kashubian. 

As part of the this year's edition, the Symphony Orchestra of the Polish Baltic Philharmonic under the direction of Mirosław Jacek Błaszczyk, flautist Łukasz Długosz and organist Roman Perucki, artistic director of the project, will present Piotr Moss' According to Memling – a concert for flute, organ and orchestra commissioned by the Polish Baltic Philharmonic. The work was inspired by one of the most famous works of art in Pomerania, i.e. The Last Judgment by Hans Memling.

More information at: http://festiwalrumia.pl/