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New Album by Alina Ratkowska

pA new album Le Clavecin Moderne, recorded by Alina Ratkowska, featuring contemporary works for harpsichord solo written by Polish composers will be released in November 2016 by Sarton Records.

The CD entitled Le Clavecin Moderne - New Polish Music for Solo Harpsichord is the first album in the artist’s career. Alina Ratkowska, graduate of the Academy of Music in Warsaw and Schola Cantorum Basiliensis in Basel and laureate of first prizes at renowned early music competitions, became engaged in interpreting contemporary music. The recorded compositions were either performed by Ratkowska for the first time or dedicated to her. The names of composers whose music is included on the CD (Miłosz Bembinow, Bartosz Kowalski, Edward Sielicki, Paweł Łukaszewski, Anna Ignatowicz-Glińska, Marian Sawa, and Jacek Grudzień) prove that harpsichord inspires the most esteemed Polish contemporary composers.

More information: Facebook profile

Sinfonia Iuventus plays Chamber Music

s Polish Orchestra Sinfonia Iuventus under Przemysław Fiugajski will present 20th-century works by Polish composers on December 11, 2016 at the Great Hall of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

The programme includes Concerto for String Orchestra by Grażyna Bacewicz, Violin Concerto by Andrzej Panufnik and Serenade for String Orchestra, Op. 2 by Mieczysław Karłowicz. The solo part will be performed by Patrycja Piekutowska.

Tickets available at: www.bilet24.pl

More information: www.sinfoniaiuventus.pl

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Duchowość w muzyce XX i XXI wieku

kW dniach 29-30 listopada 2016 roku studenci i doktoranci z całej Polski spotkają się w poznańskiej Akademii Muzycznej, aby dyskutować na temat muzyki najnowszej. To już piąta edycja Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej „Neofonia”, której tegorocznym tematem jest „Duchowość w muzyce XX i XXI wieku”.

W spotkaniach uczestniczyć mogą wszyscy zainteresowani, a na szczególną uwagę zasługują dwa wystąpienia - wykład otwierający ks. dr Mirosława Białkowskiego, a także wykład prof. Eugeniusza Knapika, który zakończy konferencję.

Nie sposób jednak rozważać na temat muzyki bez niej samej, dlatego co roku podczas „Neofonii” organizowany jest także Międzyuczelniany Koncert Kompozytorski. 29 listopada o godzinie 19:00 w Auli Nova będzie można usłyszeć utwory młodego pokolenia twórców.

Wydarzenie cieszy się coraz większą popularnością - w tym roku Koło Artystyczno-Naukowe Studentów Kompozycji i Teorii Muzyki odebrało rekordową liczbę zgłoszeń udziału w konferencji. Ponad 35 referatów i utworów, które tworzą program wydarzenia, to szerokie spojrzenie na tematykę duchowości w muzyce.

Patronat medialny nad Konferencją objęło Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.

ZOBACZ: program PDF

Gdańsk Art of Accordion Music Interpretation

z9th edition of the Gdańsk Art of Accordion Music Interpretation will be held between December 2 and 10, 2016 in Gdańsk.

The festival programme covers both premieres of new accordion works as well as classical chamber and solo accordion repertoire. This year, the organizers invited such artists as Maciej Kacprzak, 69 Duo, Cappella Gedanensis, Rafał Kłoczko, Paweł Zagańczyk, Krzesimir Dębski, Grzegorz Lewandowski and Zagan Acoustic Quartet, who will premiere compositions by Krzysztof Olczak, Edward Sielicki and Adam Diesner.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Read more: Gdańsk Art of Accordion Music Interpretation

Musicologist Piotr Poźniak dies at 80

p Polish musicologist Piotr Poźniak died on November 23, 2016 at the age of 80.

He was a researcher (who focused mainly on the 16th- and 17th-century music), teacher and author of several score editions. He studied musicology, composition and choral conducting in Krakow. As an academic scholar (he became a full professor in 2006), he gave guest lectures at the Academy of Music in Krakow, as well as at universities in Bochum, Rome, Salzburg, and Leuven. Ha participated in numerous conferences in Poland and abroad.

Piotr Poźniak worked at the Jagiellonian University (1983-87) and PWM Edition (1963-73), and was the president of the Musicologists’ Section of the Polish Composers’ Union (1985-1991).

Laks / Schulhoff / Shostakovich

kMessages Quartet will perform compositions by Szymon Laks, Erwin Schulhoff and Dmitri Shostakovich on November 27, 2016 at the Tempel Synagogue in Krakow (24 Miodowa Street).

Underestimated works by 20th-century Polish composers are gradually being discovered. The vast majority of these artists were of Jewish origins, thus they were touched by a cruel experience of World War II and the Holocaust. Szymon Laks, whose 115th birthday anniversary is celebrated in 2016, belongs to the group of the "undiscovered composers". Krakow seems to be an appropriate place for presenting such music due to its historical conditions and connections to the Jewish culture.

Messages Quartet comprises musicians associated with the artistic communities of Krakow and Katowice (Małgorzta Wasiucionek - violin, Oriana Masternak - violin, Maria Dutka - viola and Beata Urbanek-Kalinowska - cello). Focusing on performing Polish music, the artists aim to popularize it in Poland and abroad.

The project is co-financed by the City of Krakow.

Admission free.

"Missa 966" in Bydgoszcz

mMissa in honorem Sancti Adalberti for choir, brass instruments, timpani, tubular bells and 966 participnats by Łukasz Urbaniak will be performed for the first time in Bydgoszcz on November 26, 2016 at the St. Wincenty à Paulo Basilica.

The composition was written on the occasion of the 1050th anniversary of Poland’s baptism by the winner of the National Composition Competition "Opus 966". The project, initiated by Bartosz Michałowski (director and conductor of the Poznań Chamber Choir), involves the participation of 966 members of the audience.

Registration of performers available at: www.missa966.pl

Admission free.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

"Concerto lirico" by Mikołaj Górecki - premiere

gAmadeus Chamber Orchestra of Polish Radio under Agnieszka Duczmal will premiere new composition by Mikołaj Górecki on November 27, 2016 at the Concert Hall of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.

The composer wrote a one-movement Concerto lirico for 2 string orchestras having Amadeus Chamber Orchestra in mind and dedicated it to Agnieszka Duczmal. Apart from the new composition, the programme includes Serenade, Op. 2 by Mieczysław Karłowicz and Violin Concert in A major K. 219 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The solo part will be performed by Veriko Tchumburidze - winner of the 15th International Henryk Wienawski Competition.

Tickets available on-line at: www.bilety24.pl

AUKSO Young Philharmonic

mViolinist Janusz Wawrowski and AUKSO Young Philharmonic under Marek Moś will give a concert during the 11th International Gorczycki Festival on November 23, 2016 at Mediateka in Tychy.

The concert will conclude workshops for young musicians held between November 17 and 23, organized by the Gorczycki Festival and AUKSO Chamber Orchestra. The artists will interpret Serenade, Op. 2 by Mieczysław Karłowicz, Violin Concerto No. 5 in A major K. 219 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Symphony No. 43. in E-flat major "Mercury", Hob. I:43 by Joseph Haydn.

Tickets available on-line at: www.eventim.pl and www.bilety24.pl