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Warsaw | 64th International Festival of Contemporary Music "Warsaw Autumn"

WJThe 64th Warsaw Autumn will run from 17 to 25 September 2021. This year’s edition will be immersed in space and time; in sounds, signs, and symbols. It will enable you to experience the complexity, diversity, ambiguity, and polyphony.

Thrown into deep water, we apparently not only lose weight but also orientation. Then, intense and deep feeling comes, real as touch. Immersed in space, we experience it like divergent circles on the water: from inner hearing, corporality, rooms full of sounds, the noise of streets and the city: the world resounds from many places simultaneously. Immersion in time generates a continuous „now”. We hear echoes of public life, a build-up of information material, history with its pivotal moments and formative social events.

This year’s Warsaw Autumn is composed of concerts, opera and paraoperatic forms, musical shows, installations, performances, public space action, meetings, composers’ workshops and Autumn Radio programmes. We present the works of over 60 composers and authors, with special appearances by Ash Fure, Elżbieta Sikora, and Krzysztof Knittel; 31 premieres, 18 of which commissioned by the Warsaw Autumn, in three festival bands: the main Warsaw Autumn, Warsaw Autumn Hits the Club, and Little Warsaw Autumn, as well as fringe events. We look forward to seeing you at the events – the more so as they will take place in real life, not only online. On 17 September, the periscope goes down and for a good nine days, Warsaw Autumn will submerge into the depths of intriguing sounds.

Jerzy Kornowicz
Director of the Festival

Festival Website: https://warszawska-jesien.art.pl/2021/strona-glowna 

Zakopane | 13th "Music on the Heights" International Festival

Muzyka na szczytachOn 11-18 September 2021, the Mieczysław Karłowicz Association in Zakopane invites all music lovers to the 13th "Music on the Heights" International Festival. This year's edition will feature such renowned musicians as Marcin Masecki, Olga Pasiecznik, Agata Zubel, Szymon Komasa, Marcin Zdunik, the NFM Orchestra and Choir conducted by Marzena Diakun and Camerata Silesia.

The International Festival "Music on the Heights" is an interdisciplinary artistic event that attracts a wide audience since 2009. The Festival encourages a dialogue between artists and music lovers, Polish and foreign musicians, music of old masters and the achievements of modern music, as well as outstanding and internationally recognized artists and talented debutants.

The inauguration concert on 11 September will include works by Krzysztof Penderecki, Paweł Szymański and Karol Szymanowski. The premiere of a unique performance prepared especially for the festival "Music on the Heights" –  La voix humaine by Francis Poulenc will take place on 12 September at the S.I. Witkiewicz Theatre. A screening of Agnieszka Holland's Copying Beethoven will be held on 14 September in the Place Cinema in Zakopane. Talented young musicians from the F. Chopin State Music School in Nowy Targ and Musica Mundana School in Belgium will make their debut on 15 September in the Holy Cross Church. Lovers of choral music will appreciate the concert on 17 September, presenting compositions by Paweł Szymański, Sofia Gubajdulina, Paweł Mykietyn and John Tavener. The final concert will feature works by Johann Sebastian Bach and Arvo Pärt performed by Marcin Masecki and Marcin Markowicz.

The Festival will also feature meetings of the audience with artists and journalists as well as two unique photography exhibitions: Andrzej Ziółkowski's "The Inward Moment. Man in the face of the Sacred", showing the faces of many different religions in India, and" The Creators of Podhale 6 ", presenting the artistic achievements of artists living and working in Podhale.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Festival Website: http://muzykanaszczytach.com/pl/ 

Spektakularny debiut operowy Joanny Wnuk-Nazarowej!

PWMNa dziedzińcu Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu 10 i 11 września 2021 wystawiona została pierwsza opera Joanny Wnuk-Nazarowej – Wanda na podstawie misterium Cypriana Kamila Norwida.

Wydarzenie to stało się centralnym punktem obchodów 200. rocznicy urodzin poety. Wiceprezes Rady Ministrów, Minister Kultury, Dziedzictwa Narodowego i Sportu prof. dr hab. Piotr Gliński objął je honorowym patronatem, był także obecny na prawykonaniu dzieła. W dniu premiery, 10 września, na Wawelu odbyło się uroczyste złożenie kwiatów na symbolicznym grobie Norwida w Krypcie Wieszczów, w którym uczestniczyli, obok Ministra KDNiS prof. dr. hab. Piotra Glińskiego, Członkini Zarządu Województwa Małopolskiego Iwona Gibas, dyrektor – redaktor naczelny Polskiego Wydawnictwa Muzycznego dr Daniel Cichy, dyrektor Opery Krakowskiej Bogusław Nowak oraz kompozytorka Joanna Wnuk-Nazarowa.

Opera, choć bardzo uniwersalna w wymowie, pozostaje dziełem mocno powiązanym z Krakowem: kompozytorka od lat związana z tym miastem podjęła temat, którego akcja rozgrywa się na Wzgórzu Wawelskim, a spektakl wystawiony został na Dziedzińcu Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu przez artystów Opery Krakowskiej.

Read more: Spektakularny debiut operowy Joanny Wnuk-Nazarowej!

Winners of Kazimierz Serocki 17th International Composers’ Competition 2021

PTMW One hundred twelve scores from all over the world were sent to the Kazimierz Serocki 17th International Composers’ Competition 2021, organised by the Polish Society for Contemporary Music. On 10-12 September 2021 the Competition Jury awarded composers from South Korea, Italy and Czech Republic. The event was held under the honorary patronage of the Polish Composers' Union.

The Jury composed of: Paweł Łukaszewski (Poland), Paul Patterson (United Kingdom), and Dariusz Przybylski (Poland) decided to give the following prizes:

The First Prize (13,000PLN) went to Sungji Hong (South Korea) – Lux Mundi.

The Second Prize (8,000PLN) went to Massimo Lauricella (Italy) – Imis.

The Third Prize (4,000PLN) went to Jan Holý (Czech Republic) – The Puppet.

The prizes were funded by The Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport. PWM Edition’s Special Prize for the Youngest Winner: PWM Edition’s publications – was awarded to Sungji Hong. Event Partner: Authors’ Society ZAiKS.

The concert of the winners, co-organized with the Polish Radio Channel 2, will take place on 6 November 2021 in Władysław Szpilman Polish Radio Concert Studio in Warsaw. The Concert will be recorded and broadcast on the Polish Radio Channel 2 and then offered to the European Broadcasting Union.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

More information: https://ptmw.art.pl/english-kazimierz-serocki-12th-international-composers-competition-2011-results/

Światowe granie w Rzeszowie

MKMP10 września 2021 w Filharmonii Podkarpackiej rozbrzmiał pierwszy akord II Międzynarodowego Konkursu Muzyki Polskiej im. Stanisława Moniuszki. Przed zgromadzoną w sali publicznością i widzami śledzącymi transmisję on-line wystąpili zwycięzcy I edycji Konkursu z 2019 roku: pianista Pavel Dombrovsky i duet skrzypcowy Polish Violin Duo w składzie: Marta Gidaszewska i Robert Łaguniak.

„To był koncert na najwyższym światowym poziomie. Po prostu rewelacja! Myślę, że teraz przed nami jurorami jest takie właśnie zadanie, żeby wyłowić następnych tak wspaniałych muzyków jak, ci którzy grali dzisiaj wieczorem” – powiedziała po koncercie maestra Lidia Grychtołówna, nestorka polskiej pianistyki oraz jurorka w kategorii pianistycznej.

W pierwszej części koncertu w repertuarze złożonym m. in. z preludiów Henryka Pachulskiego i etiud Karola Szymanowskiego wystąpił rosyjski pianista Pavel Dombrovsky, nota bene także juror tegorocznej edycji konkursu. Następnie młodzi, utalentowani i utytułowani skrzypkowie, Marta Gidaszewska i Robert Łaguniak, zaprezentowali repertuar m. in. Tadeusza Paciorkiewicza, Henryka Wieniawskiego oraz brawurowo wykonali Two Contrasts for a Duo współczesnej kompozytorki Anny Rocławskiej-Musiałczyk.

„Koncert był niesamowity, naprawdę. Najwyższy światowy poziom, moim zdaniem. Fantastyczny. To było po prostu wow!” – skomentował występy Gary Guthman, amerykański trębacz i juror w kategorii zespołów kameralnych.

„Poziom koncertu był super wysoki, ale spodziewałem się tego. Jestem bardzo wzruszony poziomem koncertu inauguracyjnego i czekam niecierpliwie na przesłuchania. Na pewno będzie dużo ciekawych wykonawców i nowych utworów, które odkryjemy wspólnie z publicznością. Jestem pewien, że będzie to cudowny tydzień spędzony tu w Rzeszowie” – entuzjastycznie podsumował Alexandros Jusakos, chilijski pianista i juror.

Zmagania uczestników można śledzić na żywo na kanale YouTube Narodowego Instytutu Muzyki i Tańca: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-vEE7TX3aIcCR-Q20HVfYeqnCPWfRrN4.

Konkurs jest realizowany przez Narodowy Instytut Muzyki i Tańca, we współpracy z Filharmonią Podkarpacką im. Artura Malawskiego w Rzeszowie, finansowany ze środków Ministra Kultury, Dziedzictwa Narodowego i Sportu. Partnerem wydarzenia jest Marszałek województwa podkarpackiego. Konkurs został objęty honorowym patronatem Prezydenta Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Andrzeja Dudy. Konkurs należy do sieci konkursów pianistycznych Fundacji Alink-Argerich.

Justyna Galińska

Patronat medialny nad Konkursem sprawuje Polskie Centrum Informacji Muzycznej POLMIC.


Sopot | Duo / Trio Sopot: anniversary concert

Trio SopotCelebrating the 30th anniversary of the activity in 2021, the duo of cellist Anna Sawicka and accordionist Elżbieta Rosińska, joined 15 years ago by the violinist Małgorzata Skorupa, will premiere works by Zbigniew Pniewski and Jakub Pawlak at a concert on 13 September 2021 at 7.00 p.m. as part of the 10th Musical Evenings at Saint Andrew Bobola Church in Sopot.

On the occasion of its anniversary, the ensemble commissioned pieces for a trio of violin, cello and accordion from several composers of various generations. Two of these works willl be premiered at the concert in the Saint Andrew Bobola Church: Uno momento dopo by Zbigniew Pniewski and Qui pro quo in five movements by Jakub Pawlak. Composing commissions were realised with the financial support of the Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Zbigniew Pniewski (b. 1946) has been collaborating with the ensemble since 2019. Uno momento dopo is a one-movement composition with a polyphonic texture and variable metres and rhythms. Pniewski's music is mysterious and puzzling. One can say it reflects the composer's experience related to the pandemic – the piece was written in the spring of 2021. Jakub Pawlak (b. 2000) is a student of Paweł Mykietyn (composition) and Kaja Bumann (conducting) at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk. His work Qui pro quo (lat. misunderstaning) refers to a funny misunderstanding that comes from mistaking someone for another person, or not understanding someone else's words. These elements of misunderstanding can be found on the micro and macro scale: in pairs of parts that are in dialogue with each other and in the juxtapositions of parts with different characters. Jakub Pawlak's work was inspired by klezmer culture, Russian literature, and Balkan folklore.

The programme will be complemented by works by Arvo Pärt, Jules Massenet, Marian Gordiejuk and Jerzy Mądrawski. The concert will be hosted by Justyna Ślubowska.

Łódź | Premiere of "Paradiso" based on Dante's "Divine Comedy"

NawrockaThe premiere of Paradiso – a multimedia event based on Dante's Divine Comedy will be held on 14 September 2021 at the "Logos" Theatre in Łódź.

The producers of Paradiso, based on the third part of Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy, follow the author's vision, but also make the characters and events universal and introduce the elements of distancing irony. Paradiso is the culmination of Dante's journey and the culmination of the journey of the artists who lead the viewer through the three parts of the Divine Comedy, creating a space for artistic exploration and spiritual experience.

Paradiso is an artistic event that brings together artists from various fields. Having the experince of working on Inferno during the pandemic, Ewa Wycichowska decided to use movie visualizations made in collaboration with Jarosław Darnowski (responsible for film editing in Inferno) and music by Aldona Nawrocka (responsible for the final scene of Inferno). Paradiso will also feature antiphons of Hildegard of Bingen. In pursuit of a multimedia art project, the performance would become an interactive hybrid of contemporary opera with dance, words, film technology and space.

More information: https://www.logos.art.pl 

"Classics Across Poland": Zuzanna Nalewajek & Paweł Sommer

NIMiTThe concerts of the mezzo-soprano Zuzanna Nalewajek and pianist Paweł Sommer, organised by the Polish Music Management, will take place on 10 September 2021 at 6.00 p.m. at the Barlinek Cultural Centre, on 11 September at 5.00 p.m. at the State Music School in Choszczno and on 12 September at 4.00 p.m. in the Przelewice Dendrological Garden.

Zuzanna Nalewajek studies with Prof. Ewa Iżykowska-Lipińska at the Vocal and Acting Department of the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music in Warsaw and participates in the Opera Academy Young Talents Development Programme at the Teatr Wielki – Polish National Opera. She is a laureate of international and national vocal competitions. Paweł Sommer is also associated with the FCUM: he is an employee and a doctoral student of Prof. Anna Jastrzębska-Quinn, a scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. The valued chamber musician also performs as a soloist and accompanies singers at many prestigious competitions and courses in Poland and abroad.

The outstanding young artists will perform works by Fryderyk Chopin, Mieczysław Karłowicz, Karol Szymanowski, Stanisław Niewiadomski, Władysław Żeleński, Emil Młynarski, as well as Johannes Brahms, Franz Schubert and Hugo Wolf.

The series of concerts "Classics Across Poland" is financed by the Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, and implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance. Admission to the concerts is free!

More information: http://muzycznyimpresariat.pl/ 

Sopot | 21st "Maria Fołtyn Kaleidoscope of Musical Forms" International Festival

Kalejdoskop form muzycznychThe Open Theatre in Gdańsk, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, invites you on 10-25 September 2021 to the 21st "Maria Fołtyn Kaleidoscope of Musical Forms" International Festival. The concerts will take place in the Garrison Church of St. George, in the Sierakowski Manor and the Armorial Hall of the Sopot City Hall.

This year's edition, referring to the multicultural heritage of Sopot and Pomerania, includes such concerts as: "From Bach to the Present", "Hits of vocal and instrumental music", "Chopin, angels and demons", "In the chambers of Mr. Stanisław", "Music of sunny Andalusia" – a Spanish concert on the 75th death anniversary of Manuel de Falla , "Canto amore mio" – a concert dedicated to the Patron of the Festival, featuring participants of the Master Course for Singers, "Between music and politics" – a chamber concert on the 80th death anniversary of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, "Dancing Eurydices" – a concert on the 85th birth anniversary of Anna German, and the final concert with the hits of the interwar period. The programme will include the music of Fryderyk Chopin, Mieczysław Karłowicz, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Otto Mieczysław Żukowski, Jerzy Gablenz and Paweł Seligman.

The concerts will be performed by outstanding soloists and ensembles: mezzo-soprano Magdalena Cornelius-Kulig, tenor Jacek Szymański, accordionist Maciej Zimka, Joanna Nawrot & Baltic Quasideon Group, Duo Fortecello, Trio Fogg and Dariusz Wójcik, the artistic director of the Festival.

The project was co-financed by the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport from the Culture Promotion Fund under the "Music" programme, implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance; realised with the financial support of the City of Sopot Commune.

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

Information about tickets and detailed programme: www.teatrotwarty.pl