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Lublin | Moniuszko and French music


On 9 June 2019 at 6pm, the Association of Polish Musicians invites you to the Crown Tribunal in Lublin for a concert "Moniuszko and French music" as part of the concert series "Fonie Lublina".

Probably every music lover knows what value had Moniuszko's music to Poles in the days of positivism. Due to the use national motifs, attachment to national traditions as well as satirical and comedic sense, Moniuszko's works became a representation of the national belonging to the opressed nation. A slightly different approach to opera was presented at that time in France – a country that was undoubtedly the capital of European culture in the second half of the 19th century. It was there that the most prestigious opera performances were produced, attracting musicians from all over the world.

During the concert "Moniuszko and French music", Stanisław Moniuszko's works will be confronted with the works of French composers of the second half of the nineteenth century. The clash of different ways of perceiving music – Moniuszko's focused on national themes and the French composers' focused on the cosmopolitan values, the power of art and creating new trends – is reflected in the programme of the upcoming concert. Apart from Moniuszko's arias (also in the violin transcriptions), we will listen to the works by Georges Bizet, Charles Gounod and Cesar Franck.

Admission free!

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.

SEE: Facebook Event.


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