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National Composition Competition for work to the poetry by priest Jan Twardowski

ks. Jan TwardowskiDepartment of Music Education of the Kalisz Branch Campus of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań invites young Polish and foreign composers (age limit: 35 years old) to participate in the composition competition organized on the occasion of the 100th birth anniversary of priest Jan Twardowski.

The prizes will be awarded in 3 categories – song, a cappella choral work and vocal-instrumental composition (for solo part(s), choir and orchestra).

Prizes: PLN 15.000

Jury: Agnieszka Sobczak (Director of the Department of Music of Education of the Kalisz Branch Campus), Adam Klocek (Director of the Kalisz Philharmonic), Mieczysław Szcześniak (singer, composer, author of texts, lecturer at the Department of Music Education in Kalisz), Fryderyk Stankiewicz (composer, lecturer at the Department of Sacral and Choral Music in Kalisz), Beata Michalak (musicologist, lecturer at the Department of Music Education in Kalisz)

Application deadline: December 10, 2015

Co-organizer: Kalisz Philharmonic

Honorary patronage: Prof. dr hab. Bronisław Marciniak (Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Grzegorz Sapiński (Mayor of the City of Kalisz)

More information:

Media patronage: TVP Kultura, Radio Merkury Poznań and Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC.


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