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Podkowa Leśna | 3rd Stawisko Festival – place of symbiosis of arts and cultures

Stawisko 5 11 23Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC

Museum of Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz in Stawisko invites you to the 3rd Stawisko Festival - a place of symbiosis of arts and cultures. The event, which will take place on November 5-19, 2023, is a continuation of the series of meetings started in 2021, presenting the traditions of the Anna and Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz House as a place of symbiosis of arts, an area open to various cultures.

The 2023 project will be devoted to the connections of the House at Stawisko and its Hosts with French culture.

On the next three Sundays of November - 5, 12, 19 - we will hear, among others: works by C. Debussy, M. Ravel, G. Faure, O. Messiaen and Polish composers settled in Paris - from Chopin to Aleksander Tansman and Szymon Laks.

A recital of songs from Edith Piaff's repertoire is also planned.

The following artists will take part in the Festival: Beata Bilińska, Piotr Pławner, Piotr Sałajczyk, Prima Vista String Quartet and artists associated with "Piwnica od Baranami" - Jaga Wrońska, Wiesław Dziedziński, Konrad Mastyło.

Alicja Matracka-Kościelny

Museum website: 


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