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Winners of the 2nd Karol Szymanowski International Music Competition announced!

Media patronage: Polish Music Information Centre POLMIC


2nd Karol Szymanowski International Music Competition organized by NOSPR, has just made history. The competition winners were awarded with an impressive prize pool with a total value of nearly €300,000 - (€25,000 for the 1st prize, €18,000 for the 2nd prize and €10,000 for the 3rd prize, in all four performance categories).

The competition participants delighted the international jury with their interpretations. They are all still available in audio form on SoundCloud. Broadcasts from the final auditions can also be watched on the official YouTube channel of the competition.
First prizes were won by two Japanese artists (pianist Kaho Araishi and violinist Seina Matsuoka).
Poles were also on the podium, dominating the singing category (1st place was taken by Magdalena Lucjan, and 2nd place by Jan Żądło). Krzysztof Wierciński took second prize in the piano category, Jakub Staszel took 3rd prize in the violin category, and Neuma Quartet took 3rd prize in the string quartet category. The 3rd Prize in the Vocal Compositions category went to Krystian Neścior, while honorable mentions in the Piano Compositions category went to Bartosz Witkowski and Michał Janocha.

Julia Jagos, NOSPR

Names of all laureates are available on the Competition website 


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