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100th anniversary of birth of Professor Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar in Cracow

The Composition Department of the Academy of Music in Cracow invites you to celebrate the 100th anniversary of birth of Professor Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar on October 12 and 19, 2024.

The outstanding work of Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar will be highlighted in various forms—from theoretical reflections in lectures to performances of her works during two concerts. Students of percussion will have a unique opportunity to study the aesthetics and creative workshop of the Composer as part of a percussion laboratory led by Dr. Paweł Nowicki (Academy of Music in Gdańsk).

The program of the celebrations includes:

  • 5 lectures dedicated to the work of the Composer (Prof. Małgorzata Janicka-Słysz, Paweł Nowicki, Prof. Tomasz Sobaniec, Dr. Magdalena Mądro, Zuzanna Bolon)
  • 2 concerts featuring chamber music by Krystyna Moszumańska-Nazar (performers include Krzysztof Augustyn, Paweł Chmielewski, Łucja Chyrzyńska, Kazimierz Dawidek, Dorota Imiełowska, Kinga Kazimierska, Kamil Kruk, Annika Mikołajko-Osman, Paweł Nowicki, Piotr Nowicki, Andrzej Pikul, Aneta Puławska, Igor Sikorski, Tomasz Sobaniec, Elżbieta Stefańska, Natan Ścibiwołk, Stanisław Welanyk, Aleksander Wnuk)
  • Percussion laboratory on October 12, led by Dr. Paweł Nowicki.
  • A memorial panel with participation from family, friends, performers, educators, and invited guests.

Detailed programme: 


Rynek Starego Miasta 27
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