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The Connecticut Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra will premiere Jakub Polaczyk's latest work at Carnegie Hall!

The world premiere of Slavic Streams: “Śmiętlana” by Jakub Polaczyk will start on October 15, 2024 at 20.00 a concert of the Connecticut Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra conducted by Adrian Sylveen at Carnegie Hall! 

Jakub Polaczyk shared with us the story of how this work had been created:

"The piece Slavic Streams: "Śmiętlana" was commissioned by the Connecticut Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra. This chamber orchestra from the state of Connecticut celebrated its 25th anniversary two years ago.  The piece was intended to pay tribute to the Slavic composer B. Smetana, whose 200th anniversary of birth we celebrated in March 2024. It is a piece from the Slavic Streams series and this time it refers to a word I created, referring in Polish characters to the name of the Czech composer, but also to the textures of the piece. However, everyone can find their own interpretation of the title or the entire piece pastoral concertino for 2 oboes, horns and strings".

The piece will be premiered as part of a series of concerts of the Connecticut Virtuosi orchestra entitled: "The Shadow of Our Destiny. "We - the People" - Stories of Emigration in Music."  The intention of these concerts is to present the work of artists of various origins. After the concert in New York, Polaczyk's piece will be performed twice in Connecticut, in the cities of Hartford and New Britain. The program will also include works by A. Berg, O. Respighi and J. Haydn.

More about the project also on local television in Manhattan Channel 2 MNN on October 12 at 2 p.m. in New York in the "Composer's Voices" program:

Ticket information: 


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