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Jubilee of the 75th birthday of Piotr Moss in the Baltic Philharmonic

The Polish Baltic Philharmonic invites you to a concert on October 4, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. to celebrate the 75th birthday of Piotr Moss and the world premiere of Seule — a cycle of songs for soprano and orchestra with texts by Christine de Pisan, dedicated to Iwona Hossa.

The Polish version of de Pisan's texts is credited to Antoni Libera. It is a four-part monologue that allows the performer to showcase a range of emotional states. We will hear it performed by Iwona Hossa! She will be accompanied by the Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Marek Wroniszewski. The musicians will also perform Eroica the Third Symphony in E-flat major by Ludwig van Beethoven.

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