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Premiere performance of the "Elegy of the Insurgent" by Iwona Kisiel

On September 16, 2024, at 6:00 PM, the Stanisław Moniuszko Warsaw Society of Music - in Szuster Palace - will host the world premiere of Iwona Kisiel's latest work, the piano trio Kto umiera wolnym już... - Elegia Powstańca, dedicated to her father. The premiere will conclude a lecture on the Warsaw Uprising as part of the "Warsaw Under the Lens" series, conducted by local historian, journalist, and popularizer of the city’s history, Hanna Dzielińska ("Hanka Warszawianka").

The "Elegy of the Insurgent" will be performed by violinist Agnieszka Marucha, cellist Robert Dacko, and pianist Piotr Szymanowicz.

The work was created with funding from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, sourced from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the "Composer Commissions" program implemented by the National Institute of Music and Dance.

Event on FB:

Recording of the piece available on YT: 


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